Selecting the perfect read aloud can be stressful. First, it must have a story that students can understand. Without this, many will lose interest and start doing things they shouldn’t. Second, it is essential to have strong illustrations to help students visualize the story. Third, it is helpful to select a book that will impact students inside and outside the classroom. For instance, teaching life lessons with student-friendly examples is a great way to build meaningful connections. Thus, selecting which books to use as read alouds is a challenging task! To help, utilizing a book review and activities guide is the perfect way to make the best selections.
Be Kind Book
Author Pat Zietlow Miller and illustrator Jen Hill develop an incredible story about the power of kindness.
While growing up is so much fun, it is also really challenging. Between mean words and hurtful actions, life can get complicated. Additionally, friendships can change as students get older. Therefore, Be Kind shows the power of respect, empathy, and compassion.
Kindness enters a young child’s mind after a classmate spills grape juice all over her new dress. Naturally, the child is upset, so a classmate wonders what it means to be kind to help cheer someone up.
Honestly, the story teaches readers many ways to be kind! For instance, asking a new student to play is a great way to show kindness. Additionally, standing up to a bully is an ideal way to do what is right. Throughout the story, readers will learn what kindness is and how it makes a difference.
Activities for the Be Kind Read Aloud
Sometimes, students simply sit back and listen to a story. Other times, activities go along with it to work on content standards. Ultimately, this decision helps decide which book to use. When lessons are incorporated, it is necessary to select books that focus on specific skills or topics. Thankfully, this book review and activities guide will help plan incredible lessons!
1. Kindness Activities for Be Kind
This activity pack surrounds the power of random acts of kindness. Specifically, there are guides for home and school, including 48 circle cards for kindness acts. There is even a bulletin board kit to help spread kindness around the building. It includes the lettering and posters! Ultimately, this resource explains multiple ways to spread kindness around the entire community.
2. Writing Skills
Spreading kindness creates an incredible feeling within students. To experience this, students can write cards to different people. This may be a classroom volunteer, community member, or someone at home. To get started, students can even write one practice letter before working independently. Honestly, the recipients of the card will feel so special and loved.
3. Book Literary Elements
It takes practice for students to learn literary elements, such as the main idea, supporting details, and theme. Thankfully, this book is the perfect way to practice these aspects. Students can even work in small groups while identifying different elements. Then, the class can come together to share responses. Depending on where students are, they can even begin this activity by talking about the setting and characters. Thus, they would gain some comfort before moving to more complex elements.
4. Be Kind Irregular Verbs
Often, students understand grammar best when seeing it used versus in isolation. Luckily, this book contains irregular verbs. Thus, students can identify irregular ones and then state the verb in present tense. If time permits, students can even act out some verbs.
5. Illustration Creation
The sentences and illustrations in this story are incredible! Honestly, they can inspire students in many ways. Hence, it is essential to provide time for students to reflect on the powerful meaning of this story. Therefore, teachers can select focus sentences. Then, students can develop their own illustrations. They may even write a short response about their picture to practice capitalization and punctuation.
6. Be Kind Book Discussions
To spread kindness, students must understand how important it is. Thus, having a class discussion about kindness is the perfect place to start. Students can share a time when someone did something kind to help them. If students are struggling, have them reflect on what their parents do to help them at home. Or, have students discuss a time they did something to help someone else. Honestly, it will be so rewarding to sit there and listen to ways students have shown others kindness. Ultimately, this is the perfect way to help show classmates how there are endless ways to be kind.
Teachers have to make so many decisions every day. Hopefully, this book review and activities guide will show how Be Kind is the perfect selection for the next read aloud. Students will love the story while truly understanding the importance of being kind to all.
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