
Character Traits Graphic Organizer: Character Trait of the Week Posters, Activities, and Worksheets

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $16.95.

261 reviews

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 135 PDF pages + Google Slides

Also included in:

  • character-traits-activities-bundle

    Character Traits Activities: Graphic Organizers, Posters, Task Cards, and Awards BUNDLE

    Original price was: $32.25.Current price is: $25.75.Add to cart


Character Trait of the Week Posters and Activities:

This character trait of the week product includes character traits posters and activities for each week of the year. It will help your students make connections to their lives and literature. All 40 posters feature different traits and have corresponding no-prep worksheets.

Teacher tips and ideas for use are also included. Please see the thumbnails to view the layout of the posters and graphic organizer posters.

In addition to the character trait, each activity includes a pertinent quote (or a figurative language statement) related to the character trait. These quotes are designed to spark meaningful conversations and discussions.

The following traits are included in this year-long file:

  • Grateful
  • Greedy
  • Confident
  • Sincere
  • Diligent
  • Hopeless
  • Courageous
  • Optimistic
  • Pessimistic
  • Compassionate
  • Fearless
  • Persistent
  • Impatient
  • Ambitious
  • Stubborn
  • Forgiving
  • Loyal
  • Arrogant
  • Wise
  • Generous
  • Perseverance
  • Integrity
  • Analytical
  • Demanding
  • Considerate
  • Tolerant
  • Overbearing
  • Indecisive
  • Independent
  • Persuasive
  • Anxious
  • Passionate
  • Equitable
  • Cooperative
  • Responsible
  • Deceptive
  • Witty
  • Authoritative
  • Efficient
  • Extravagant


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

This PDF file contains 135 pages + Google Slides.

261 reviews for Character Traits Graphic Organizer: Character Trait of the Week Posters, Activities, and Worksheets

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Showing 236 of 261 reviews (5 star). See all 261 reviews
  1. CB

    Clare B

    Love this activity – great for developing kids’ character traits but also helps to analyse characters in books. Many thanks.

  2. LP

    Laurel P

    Can’t wait to start the year with this!

  3. JC

    Jackie C

    Wonderful to increase vocabulary and character traits. I like that it’s quick and repetitive.

  4. MT

    Melissa T

    great year round resource!

  5. TS

    Tiffanie S

    This is so thorough and well-thought out. Character traits are one of those tricky concepts and you’ve made them very easy to implement and discuss. I can’t wait to use this when school starts.

  6. DE

    Delshire E

    Love this! Very great resource and will you for teaching vocabulary as well!

  7. RR

    Risoli’s Reading Room 

    This exactly what I was looking for to use for character traits in Sept with mt thirdies.. Thanks for creating and sharing..

  8. DB

    Dorothea B

    My students struggle with going beyond the simplest traits, so this is going to be GREAT! Thanks.

  9. KK

    Kelly Key 

    This is great

  10. OT

    Ontario Teacher too 

    I look forward to using this during the upcoming school year. It looks like just the thing I’ve been looking for. Thank you!

  11. JV

    jennifer voiles 

    Been looking for “new material” for my social skills instruction, am going to employ many of these for that this year! Thank you

  12. HL

    Heidi L

    This is fun!! Thanks

  13. CS

    Clora S

    This is beyond excellent!

  14. C


    I’m a reading specialist and this is perfect. I plan on using this for my personal goal to introduce more vocabulary to my students. I can use this with my 3rd and 5th graders. Thanks!

  15. LM

    Lori M

    This is awesome! I am teaching the 8 keys of excellence and fits well with the program! Thanks for all of the hard work.

  16. RS

    Ruby S

    Great resource, can be used with any literature

  17. KB

    Karen B

    This was a great find! Often when we talk in class about character traits my kids struggle to get past the physical, and then they get into the most basic of emotions. This is a great way to introduce the positive and negative traits characters and people can demonstrate. I printed all the poster pages to make a booklet so the kids can use it as a reference when doing trait work since we don’t have a lot of wall space!

  18. SS

    Stacey S


  19. SM

    Sheila M

    Excellent – Just starting a Character Education program school-wide – these resources will be very useful for introducing our students to these wonderful traits. Thank you for your hard work and time in developing them; I appreciate how much work you put into these.

  20. SF

    Sharon F

    Very helpful resource. Thanks.

  21. DM

    Dorothy M

    Outstanding idea! I’m making an entire bulletin board out of this. We add one a week and discuss it all week long. Love this!

  22. KH

    Kathy H

    I’ve purchased 2 different character trait packages and this is by far the best one. Nice and colorful and the printable to go with each trait is awesome!

  23. KG

    kathleen gormley 

    This has been a tremendous help in teaching my students social skills. They are then able to make connections to the characters in the story and it is helping them to be more specific in their character analysis.

  24. TS

    Teacher Spice  

    I Use this to provide enrichment for my second graders. It’s great!

  25. KD

    Kathleen D

    Looking forward to using these.

  26. AF

    Amy F

    What I neded to explore character traits with a purpose!

  27. LD

    lojuana donald 

    LOVE IT!!!

  28. LC

    leslie C

    I teach 2nd grade but I am still using it….picking and choosing. Thanks!

  29. B


    Really useful! I’ve been using this to improve my kids vocabulary week by week. My only thing would be it would be great if it had a Canadian English version as well.

  30. KL

    Karen L

    My kids are really enjoying these Character traits.

  31. YE

    Yasmin E

    Awesome! Thank you for all the hard work!

  32. TP

    Texas Penguin 

    Blown AWAY! This is going to be WONDERFUL in my classroom now, next year, the year after . . . . as long as I have a classroom. Thank you so much!

  33. NR

    Nancy R

    This is unbelievable! Thank you for what you created!

  34. BV

    Barbara V


  35. EW

    Emily W

    Very useful to teach about character traits.

  36. CT

    Clarissa T

    I love this activity! I’m using it in centers to teach my students the vocabulary used to describe character traits. The levels of complexity for this activity is awesome when considering DOK. Nice job!

  37. RT

    Rebecca TZ 

    This is a great resource to study character traits in more depth.

  38. DW

    Denise W

    Thank you so much! These will be great for my ELL students. The pictures and examples are perfect and will save me a lot of time! I have a list of other character traits that I would love to add to these, if you’re interested. 🙂

  39. HA

    Heidi Alison P

    These are amazing! Make some more!

  40. KB

    Karen B

    Excellent resource

  41. JV

    Julie V

    Great ideas.

  42. T


    As a bilingual teacher, I’ve been looking for something like this forEVER! It’s an area my kids struggle with the most. Thank you for sharing!!!!

  43. SF

    Sandi F

    I came back for the rest because I think this is an exceptional

  44. CG

    Carrie G

    So great to focus on one word at a time, rather than overwhelming them all at once!

  45. BT

    Beyond the Classroom 

    Kirsten, I love this product. I know how much work goes into producing such quality work. Thank you for saving me time. It is priceless and timeless. Absolutely love it! Yvonne

  46. RB

    Renee B

    A wonderful way to teach new vocabulary, character traits, and just human traits!

  47. DF

    Dair F

    So excited to use with my class!

  48. JH

    Jane H

    I only wish I had ordered this at the beginning of the year! Great way to master this standard!

  49. SM

    Stephanie M

    Hi Kirsten,
    This is such a great product! I can’t wait to use it with my third graders! I was wondering if it would be possible to add a few character traits that I wanted to focus on with my students: respectful, honest, trustworthy, kindness, acceptance, and self control. My students could really benefit from learning about each of these traits. Thank you!! 🙂

  50. DK

    Danielle K

    Lots of fun when teaching character traits.

  51. MC

    Melissa C

    This is amazing!

  52. AB

    Annie B

    Thank you.

  53. ME

    Marta E

    Thanks for the great resource

  54. RR

    Reading Rocks 

    Great resource! Thank you!

  55. AP

    Annette P

    I incorporate these into my morning meeting.

  56. JC

    Jennifer C

    Wow this is just what I was looking for! I am using this for my grade 6 special education class. Thank you thank you thank you. You have made my life so much easier! Maybe an option of making the picture on the definition page a little more geared towards a middle school grade? Thank you again!

  57. FW

    Frances W

    This is important at my school and in my classroom.

  58. AT


    Great resource! I wish you had something for K-2. Mahalo

  59. BA

    Beth A

    Love this – use it as an oral language activity to start with, then incorporate it into both writing and reading responses. Great product!

  60. CM

    Christine M

    Very useful product for teaching character traits. Thank you.

  61. AH

    Averi Hudson 

    Love this! This is just perfect!

  62. AM

    Ashley M

    Love this! I love that there is a self-reflection point where the kids can apply the information to their own lives. I also love all of the quotes and idioms used to give them something to think about.

  63. MB

    mariagrazia bertarini 

    very interesting and accurate

  64. MK

    Meghan Kennedy 

    This packet is easily implemented and understood by students. My students struggle with naming various feelings or character traits so this has been huge in expanding their knowledge and vocabulary.

  65. MG

    MaryBeth G

    Really excited about using this resource next year!!!!

  66. BB

    BobbiJo Burk 

    Great idea!

  67. LO

    Land of Enchantment Learning 

    Perfect for teaching character traits!

  68. KS

    Kelsy Shatto 

    Excited to look at including these throughout the year!

  69. NK

    Nancy K

    I have been looking for something like this. I cannot wait to use it. Thank you.

  70. CJ

    Carrie J


  71. M


    Very thorough and clear! Thank you!

  72. KP

    Kristen P


  73. DC

    Daily Classroom  

    great resource! can’t wait to use it with my kiddos this year! Thank you!

  74. MP

    Melanie P

    I’m using these weekly! Very colorful and engaging!

  75. CD

    Christy D


  76. KG

    Kathleen G

    So organized!

  77. CP

    Crystal P

    Great resource! Thanks!

  78. KF

    Kristi Flynn 

    Love love love love love! High Quality!

  79. HS

    Home Sweet Third 

    This was proven to be an area of weakness for our students last year. I can’t wait to begin using this resource this year! It is perfect timing that I found it too, as we begin our unit on analyzing characters this week!

  80. SM

    Shaping Minds of All Kinds 

    thank you

  81. VB

    Victoria B

    Great way to teach/learn character traits, thanks

  82. ES

    Ellen S

    This has been a great resource. I use it to link to characters in the stories in our anthology.

  83. JC

    Janine C

    Easy to use. Love it!

  84. AH

    Amy H

    Kids are enjoying!!

  85. VC

    Victoria Celis-Castillo 

    This is awesome. Thank you so much.

  86. WC

    William C

    I made this into a reference book for my students and they absolutely love it! Thank you so much for making such a great resource!

  87. JV

    Jennifer V

    These are great!

  88. RL

    Robert L

    Love this product! Is a great activity for students who need some extra work.

  89. MM

    Melissa M Sanchez 

    Love this resource

  90. BS

    Bilingual Sunshine 

    Can’t wait to get started. Great way to get them talking.

  91. AL

    Aprilanne L

    I use this everyday!

  92. RH

    Rebecca H

    I’m using a different trait for each story in our reading anthology! Great resource.

  93. DM

    Donna M

    Thank you so much for this creative and helpful resource!

  94. CS

    Caitlin SanFilippo 

    Really helped my students understand the meaning of the traits! I use this for vocabulary as well.

  95. CB

    Christi Barnard 

    Awesome resource!! Great for all grades!
    Great to use on a bulletin board!!

  96. MH

    Maria H

    Thank you!! Can’t wait to you!!

  97. BA

    Bits and Pieces 


  98. LE

    Laura E

    I love this. Thanks for sharing.

  99. CS

    Can’t Stop Teachin’ 

    I can’t wait to use this product with my students. Second graders have a little difficulty with the “inside” traits of characters and this is just what I needed to help them better understand. Thanks for a great product!

  100. ES

    Elementary Stiles 

    Such a great resource!

  101. NM

    Nicole M

    I really enjoyed using this resource throughout the year.

  102. LY

    Leanne Y

    Wonderful unit!

  103. CL

    Carrie L

    Great resource to help build vocabulary.

  104. ES

    Emily S

    Can’t wait to use this with my students!

  105. WE

    wendy E

    Looking forward to to using this.

  106. MP

    Mary Pat E

    Awesome! I hope to incorporate this into so many things this year!

  107. MW

    Morgan W


  108. LG

    Laura Gilligan 

    Good resource for building students vocabulary too

  109. CL

    Cathy L

    Enough material to have ongoing discussions and activities all year!

  110. JD

    Jessica Diefenbaugh 

    I am looking forward to using this product this year!

  111. RB

    Rachel B

    I love the definition pages that get students to really think about each character trait!

  112. JE

    JoAnn E


  113. AR

    Avid Reader 

    Love this! Such a hard standard to teach, yet a quick and easy way to keep it fresh each week.

  114. TS

    Tiffany S

    Great resource!!!

  115. JW

    Jeaneen W

    Great product

  116. C


    I can’t wait to use this

  117. AP

    Amy P

    Great to help with understanding of each trait.

  118. AL

    Allegra L

    This is such a great concrete way to teach character traits. I printed them baseball card size, glued 9 to a page and reprinted each 3 times. We are putting them in baseball card sleeves and writing examples from readings on the back. TY so very much!

  119. JF

    Jennifer F

    Love this! Thanks!

  120. MS

    Michael S

    I love your work.

  121. CS

    Christine S 

    Wonderful resource. Looking forward to using these activities with my class. Thank you.

  122. CH

    Cathie H

    used this in my health program with me grade 5 students, always had great conversations based on the posters

  123. JO

    Jacqueline O

    Great bundle! Thank you! Not only will this help my students with their vocabulary, it will help them to really understand character traits.

  124. DD

    Dana D

    LOVE this as much as I did the day I bought it. Doing a character trait a week, has helped make traits clearer to my students.

  125. DS

    Danette S

    Good resource.

  126. JW

    Jennifer Weales 

    This is a great resource. I can’t wait to use this.

  127. MO

    marcella oliver 


  128. CS

    carmen S


  129. CW

    Cassie W

    These are great, and very easy to use with the books my students are independently reading.

  130. CB


    I love using this teaching tool.

  131. TF

    Troy F

    My kids love this weekly activity. I not only use this resource for reading, but in writing as well.

  132. CH

    Christy H

    Great product!

  133. MP

    Michelle P

    This is very helpful in teaching my special needs student about character and I love being able to go back and refresh words and meaning when needed!

  134. LJ

    Leanna J

    Love this.

  135. AH

    Amanda H

    These have been perfect for my advisory class.

  136. CG

    Colleen Gooch 

    Love this…I used this in writing to help students become familiar with the different traits and which ones are positive and negative. Very useful resource!

  137. ST

    Sabrina T

    It was exactly what I was looking for.

  138. LH

    Lauren H

    Just what my kids needed.

  139. JW

    Jennifer W


  140. CH

    Candace H

    Amazing resource. Thanks

  141. JY

    Jenni Yingling 

    Great product! Thank you!!

  142. TC

    The Clever Den 

    Great Product! Helps my students increase their vocabulary as well.

  143. JM

    Jennifer M


  144. KK

    kleopatra K

    Looking forward to using this

  145. S


    Great resource!

  146. DE

    Diana E

    Love this

  147. ST

    Smilin’ through Second 

    Fabulous resource!

  148. RR

    Ronda Rogers 


  149. M


    These are so good for those students with a limited vocabulary. Thank you!

  150. CP

    Cynthia P

    This helps students understand characters so much better. Thank you.

  151. MZ

    mary Z

    Perfect way to build vocabulary while teaching character traits

  152. MP

    Michelle Puglisi 

    Great resource

  153. NW

    Nicole W

    My students have loved this resource. They now enter the classroom looking for the character trait of the week.

  154. CM

    christina M


  155. WE

    Whitesburg Elementary School 


  156. PB

    Patricia B

    Love it!

  157. JK

    Jeri K

    great resource

  158. JA

    Judith A

    Good Resource

  159. SL

    Siu Ling Angel S

    The posters are well-designed and informative!

  160. JV

    Jessica V

    This has been a great tool to help build vocabulary and teach character traits!

  161. KW

    Kathleen W

    great resource – easy to use

  162. SS

    Sassy Speech 

    My students are loving this! Thank you! So comprehensive.

  163. MH

    Michelle H

    Thanks! Good resource!

  164. JE

    Jeannine E

    This is a great resource to teach/reinforce character traits. I love the visuals on the posters.

  165. TF

    Teryl Ford 

    I loves these posters and activities. I used the sample packet a while ago. I put up the character trait and for two weeks we read books in which the people showed those traits. I am looking forward to using the full pack next year. It would be nice if a list of picture books was added for each character trait.

  166. SH

    Sara H

    I can’t wait to get started with this resource this school year!

  167. KD

    Katherine D

    Perfect for morning meetings! 🙂

  168. SW

    Stacie W

    I do a Vocabulary word of the week as well and have been wanting to do the same for Character Traits. This bundle is amazing!! Thank you!

  169. ES

    Elizabeth Solis 

    Love this resource!

  170. BT

    Brooke T

    Can’t wait to use this this year! Thanks so much!

  171. DE

    Destination Exploration 

    Love this worked well in my 5th grade classroom. Used this for morning meeting. But this also helped with ELA.

  172. NF

    Nancy F

    Looking forward to using this for the upcoming year.

  173. RW

    Renee W

    I’m enjoying this resouce!

  174. LB

    Lacey Bass 


  175. LW

    Love What You Do 

    A great way to teach character traits and introduce new vocabulary.

  176. MS

    Melissa Smith 

    Fantastic resource – thanks!!

  177. AS

    Angela S

    Love these!! The only thing that would make it easier would be a list of some of the books displaying each trait.

  178. KM

    Katherine MacIver 

    Brilliant! This is going to work great with my students. Thank you!

  179. AG

    Angelina G

    This has been great! Thanks =0)

  180. CS

    Christina S

    Great resource.

  181. AA

    Adeola A

    Amazing resource!

  182. LC

    Lara Coomer 

    Love this resource! It might be helpful if you could add a list of books to go along with the character traits.

  183. CE

    Chris Elliott in 4th 

    Wonderful resource!

  184. SZ

    Sandra Z

    Thank you!

  185. SC

    Shannon C

    This is well worth the money! I have had the best conversations with my kids about their own character!

  186. TS

    Tara St Clair 

    I can’t wait to use these.

  187. KS

    Karen S

    I regularly use this resource as part of my sel interactive notebooks for my students. I also use this for homework, so parents can reinforce the concepts.

  188. CI

    Cheerful Inspiration 


  189. LB

    Louann B

    Excellent resource for my grade 5/6 class.

  190. LR

    Lisa Ramirez 

    Excellent resource to use with my growth mindset book “Growth Mindset Coach”.

  191. KP

    Katharine P

    Wow!! What a great resource. I am using it as a center during guided reading.

  192. JL

    Jenn Lagasse 

    Great resource– thank you. My students love doing these!

  193. JB

    Jennifer B

    So wonderful!!!

  194. LG

    Lindley G

    Adorable posters and great, easy to incorporate weekly activities!

  195. RT

    Renee T

    Easy to implement activities. Great variety of character traits to explore.

  196. MW

    Martha Witten 

    These posters and materials enhanced my lessons and review on character traits. I used it along with enriched vocabulary for character traits.

  197. MS

    Michele S

    awesome resource!

  198. MP

    Misty P

    This resource saved me much needed time because I did not have to create it and it was exactly what I needed!

  199. JG

    Jessica G

    Loved this bundle to help with teaching character traits.

  200. DP

    Dianna P

    Was debating buying this resource and really glad I finally bought it! Pages are visually pleasing!

  201. LS

    leah S

    Really love this!

  202. LQ

    Lisa Q

    This is a fabulous resource. Right now, I am using it with my students in religion class. I love the posters that include a meaning for each character trait. They love participating and interacting together in class. Thanks for sharing!

  203. LW

    Lizbeth W

    Great resource! Saved me so much time!

  204. MK

    Melissa K

    Great warm-up before morning meeting to get ready for the day!

  205. CM

    Christine M

    This was very helpful for my daughter who has autism. Character traits are very abstract and hard for her to understand. These worksheets and anchor charts are easy to understand. It has helped so much with her reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  206. LM

    Lesley Mills 

    My students look forward to the new trait every Monday!!

  207. ST

    Stacy T

    Great resource for students to apply character traits to even picture books

  208. CM

    cynthia M

    I am satified with this resource. It is set up nicely and works well for all students.

  209. MB

    Mary B

    What an exceptional resource! This was a wonderful addition to our work! Thank you!

  210. AH

    Amy H


  211. KR

    Kim R

    LOVE this. Great way to teach not just character traits but strong vocabulary!

  212. AE

    Amanda E

    This is such a great resource for the class!

  213. CP

    Carola P

    Very useful activity.

  214. LS

    Laura Simons 

    My students and I love this resource.

  215. KM

    Kenecia Moore 

    loved using this resource

  216. JC

    Juanita C

    My teaching partner and I used these with our 4th graders. We really enjoyed this resource and our students did too.

  217. EC

    Elissa Conroy 

    Thank you for this super helpful resource!!!

  218. PM

    Pam M

    This resource is perfect for teaching character traits! Amazing!

  219. TD

    twiddle dee tweety in 3rd grade 

    This resource was very useful and my students are enjoying it.

  220. JJ

    Just Jill Designs 


  221. KP

    Kristi P

    Have been using this as the basis for an online creative writing co-op with parents and kids of varying ages. It has been great to guide our group discussions. We also tie in an activity that further studies the characteristic (like a book or game or interactive worksheet). Then we finish with a writing assignment that somehow connects to the characteristic. It has been awesome! All three families love the worksheets!

  222. TW

    Teaching With Mrs Wiswell 

    GREAT jam packed resource. I have been reading a book that aligns with the character trait! It’s been great!

  223. CF

    Carlie F

    This resource was a great addition to our character study unit! It allowed my students to expand their vocabulary while also learning new descriptive words to describe others. My students thoroughly enjoyed filling out the organizers by reflecting and applying the new words within class discussions!

  224. KB

    Kimberly Beasley 

    Great resource!

  225. DV

    Dawn V

    This is the perfect resource to fill the hole our curriculum had!

  226. TP

    tara P

    Great resource, thanks!

  227. JG

    Jennifer Grafitti 

    This was exactly what I was looking for to use with my 5th graders. Thank you!

  228. AS

    Alma S

    I love that I can use one character trait a week. Love the resource.

  229. KG

    Katie Griswold 

    I love this! It is a great way to incorporate the different character traits into reading and real life.

  230. RG

    Robin G

    These are great for teaching character traits in stories and for discussing what character traits we want to display.

  231. MK

    Mercedes K

    This is a great systematic way to teach and reinforce character traits.

  232. IL

    Inspirational LearningSeptember 8, 2018

    Love this product! Not only is this a great way to improve students vocabulary but it helps students evaluate their own behaviors. Then they also compare their own behavior to characters in books.

  233. B3

    BuyerSeptember 30, 2015

    Fabulous resource! I love the idea of extending some activities as homework, so that families can be involved!

  234. CB

    Creations by LAckertMay 31, 2015

    Thank you…Looking forward to getting the remaining units once you upload them. 🙂

  235. C


    My students will get these weekly. It is going to be a great addition to our classroom.

  236. TB

    Taylor Baird

    Absolutely love it. I homeschool and my son engages well with the material.

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