Summer Writing Prompts for 3rd and 4th Grade: Summer Writing Challenge


48 reviews

This 30-Day Summer Writing Prompts Challenge for 3rd and 4th graders contains a variety of engaging writing material for your students. There are 30 different writing activities (2 sheets per activity, created to be copied back-to-back and bound into a writing journal, if you choose).

Grade Levels: , File Formats: ,

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 73 PDF pages + Google Slides

Also included in:

  • summer-writing-challenge-prompts-for-kids

    Summer Writing Prompts: 30-Day Summer Writing Challenge BUNDLE for 1st-4th Grade

    Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $16.00.Add to cart


Summer Writing Prompts Challenge for 3rd and 4th Grade:

This 30-Day Summer Writing Prompts Challenge for 3rd and 4th graders contains a variety of engaging writing material for your students. There are 30 different writing activities (2 sheets per activity, created to be copied back-to-back and bound into a writing journal, if you choose). For a total of 60 writing pages, you will see the following activities:

  • 2 opinion essays
  • 2 persuasive essays
  • 2 descriptive writing activities
  • 2 narrative writing activities
  • 1 “how-to” essay
  • 5 journal prompts
  • 5 story starters
  • 2 recipes activities
  • 3 newspaper articles
  • 1 packing list activity
  • 2 book reports
  • 1 biography
  • 1 restaurant review
  • 1 autobiography

These writing activities are purposeful but fun. Students will find that completing all of them is challenging but rewarding. Some teachers choose to stretch the challenge to 60 days so that students have 2 days to complete each activity. I also reward my students with a pizza lunch party if they complete the writing challenge (for the summer challenge, I plan the pizza party during the first or second week back to school).


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

This PDF file contains 73 pages + Google Slides.

48 reviews for Summer Writing Prompts for 3rd and 4th Grade: Summer Writing Challenge

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  1. MJ

    Melissa J

    Love it!!

  2. MS

    Maggie S

    Love this so much! At the beginning of the this year, I had a few students from my last years class come and share theirs with me. Amazing! Thank you!

  3. NB

    Nicole B

    Thank you!

  4. NB

    Nicole B

    Thank you!

  5. TG

    Third Grade Love 

    Printing these to send home for the summer as I type! My students will be excited to write during the summer. They love to write! Thank you!

  6. RH

    rachel H


  7. LV

    Lisa V

    Love these for writing groups over the summer!

  8. LV

    Lisa V

    Love these for writing groups over the summer!

  9. JP

    Jessa P

    I bought this for a couple of my 3rd graders to practice their writing over the summer. Next summer I am planning on giving this out to all my students and adding an incentive for completing it over the summer and bringing it back to me the next school year.

  10. KJ

    Karen J

    Great resource and time saver. Thanks.

  11. KC

    Koeck’s Creations 

    This was engaging for my summer students and the topics were spot on for a child brushing up on their skills.

  12. MP

    Meagan P

    Made lesson planning a breeze!

  13. MM

    Melani M

    Not sure if my students last year followed through on this, but the product is very encouraging toward summer writing.

  14. CW

    Cynthia W

    This is great. Super helpful, thanks! I am hoping this will encourage my students to keep up with their writing over the summer.

  15. JC

    Jennifer C

    Great product that includes all different types of writing prompts!

  16. MB

    marshall B

    I love this packet! I made booklets for my kids this summer and the parents were very happy with this. Love that the writing is varied every day.

  17. LM

    Lindsay M

    This was great. Thank you

  18. SS

    Sarah S

    Amazing resource to keep the kids engaged in writing over the summer! Thank you for organizing this!

  19. OS

    One Sweet World In First 

    Great resource

  20. MG

    Melanie G

    Absolutely loved this as a summer review for students. I offered it to students who were interested, and created a spiral book for them. I told them if they returned it to me completed at the beginning of the next grade they would have a pizza party. Love it!

  21. KB

    Kara Brooker 

    Great to keep the kids writing all summer!

  22. KB

    Karen B

    These materials have been very useful with the 2020 Summer Bridge Program that I am teaching this year for 40 3rd, 4th and 5th graders as I am working to support them this summer between the Covid19 quarantine and their future grade level in the fall. I am able to use my Hue document camera to share it with students in their small online sessions and have gotten good participation and engagement from the students. They really love the writing prompts, and can easily access them in our Google Classroom.

  23. LC

    Less Chaos More Learning 

    Great resource!

  24. LM

    Laura M

    Great resource for remote learning. Thank you!

  25. BC

    Bridie C

    These prompts are very engaging and are geared toward their lives! Thank you!

  26. LT

    Liz T

    Love the variety and mixture of formal and informal writing.

  27. IM

    Intervention Monkey 

    I loved these prompts! They cover multiple forms of writing (opinion, narrative, journal, etc.). I just wish my students were held more accountable by the school to complete the work! Thank you!

  28. KP

    Kristin P

    Great resource for summer school.

  29. SA

    Stickies and Sharpies 

    This is so useful in my summer program! The kids loved the prompts!

  30. BT

    Becca’s Teaching Corner 

    Absolutely love this writing journal! I’m using it with my 7th/8th grade ELL students who are at about a 4/5th grade reading level for English/Geography Summer Camp and it’s working marvelously. Fantastic buy and makes it super easy to use digitally! Life saver this summer!

  31. CW

    Christina Wallace 

    My summer school students (between 3rd and 4th grade) and I have loved this writing resource! I love the variety of writing and they’re topics that the students are interested in.

  32. BH

    Blair H

    I have been teaching summer school and have been using this as our journal/writing time, this is just a great source to be able to review skills of writing that they have learned throughout the year.

  33. AB

    Amy B

    I am using this as an at home learning project for the summer with my 5th graders. It corresponds nicely with the primary level edition. The prompts provide enough guidance to get the writing started but allow for lots of creative license and expression. I really like that there are a variety of writing modes to choose from. It has been a great summer resource to keep everyone writing with some structure and helping to keep skills sharp for all writing modes.

  34. BS

    Bethany S


  35. MD

    Matthew D

    My students got really excited about this Summer Challenge!

  36. K


    Great resource to encourage writing! The prompts were interesting yet simple enough for my struggling writers.

  37. KA

    Kerry Ano 

    This is a fantastic resource for helping a rising 3rd grader prepare for 4th grade. The topics are great.

  38. SC

    Stephanie Cochran 

    Great resource with lots of fun and useful prompts!

  39. CH

    Candice Husson 

    Thanks so much! What a great product!!!

  40. PC

    Primary Confectionery 

    This is a wonderful resource!

  41. TF

    Tori Fenton 

    printed and ready for my students to review

  42. TO


    Used as supplemental material for virtual students.

  43. EJ

    Ellie J

    These were great for students to work on their writing during the summer!

  44. AM

    Amanda M

    Great resource.

  45. JG

    Jennifer G

    These are awesome!! I was so excited to be able to use these for my classroom. Thank you for creating this.

  46. KS

    Kristin Schroeder 

    Perfect for summer tutoring!

  47. AM

    Anne Marie M

    Great resource

  48. MM

    Maria M

    This was a great resource to send home with my students during summer break. Thank you!

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