Visual Daily Schedule Cards: Digital and Analog Clocks with Black-and-White Theme


118 reviews

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 68 PDF pages

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Daily Visual Schedule Cards with Digital and Analog Clocks:

This daily visual schedule cards file includes 90 class schedule cards and time cards (cards for every 5 minutes from 7:00-4:55) and would be perfect for any K-5th grade classroom.

Each class schedule card includes clip art to help visual students know what is coming up on the schedule.

Please note that the completed class schedule cards are not editable, but the blank cards have clip art and text boxes embedded and are, in fact, editable (there is also an editable page for clocks and times)!

The following visual daily schedule cards are included:

art, assembly, bell work, brain break, breakfast, buddy reading, calendar, celebration, centers, circle time, clean-up, close reading, comprehension, computers, creative writing, current events, daily five, daily math, DEAR time, dismissal, drama, ELA, ESL, field trip, fluency, free choice, fun Friday, grammar, guided reading, gym, handwriting, health, iPads, journal time, language arts, library, listening centers, literacy stations, lunch, math centers, math fact, math journals, math stations, morning work, morning meeting, morning message, movement, music, news, pack up, PE, phonics, phonemic awareness, pocket charts, poetry, quiet time, read aloud, read to self, reader’s theater, reader’s workshop, reading centers, reading stations, recess, restroom, rest time, school begins, school ends, science, science lab, shared reading, show and tell, sight words, silent reading, smart board, snack, social studies, specials, spelling, STEM, STEAM, story time, tablets, technology, testing, weather, word work, writer’s workshop, write the room, writing, yoga

This class schedule product also includes letters that spell “Our Class Schedule” in bunting style in black and white.

This daily visual schedule set will match any classroom decor because all background papers are black-and-white prints. The brilliant colors of the clip art will pop out to create a fun theme for your classroom.

This PDF file contains 68 pages.

118 reviews for Visual Daily Schedule Cards: Digital and Analog Clocks with Black-and-White Theme

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  1. MM

    Matilde M

    Thank you for creating these awesome classroom schedule cards! The time cards make this product even more awesome!

  2. AB

    Amber B

    Great resource. So many options available with the schedule cards and I LOVE the time cards too. Thank you

  3. AH

    Ann-Maree H

    Love the idea of having both clocks represented.

  4. JB

    Jessica B

    great for my room decor!

  5. TY

    Teach Your World 

    Can’t wait to use these! Great variety in activities/subjects. I love the clocks that are both digital and analog.

  6. CX

    Charlene X

    I really enjoyed using these in my classroom! It was a little tricky to edit but it was still a great resource!

  7. PN

    Piper Norris 

    Great selection

  8. PS

    Patricia S

    just what I was looking for. Thank you.

  9. TS

    The Splendid Educator 

    Absolutely love this. Thank-you for also including blank cards for me to write my own subjects in as well!

  10. JC

    Jenn C

    Really good resource.

  11. CF

    cherie F

    Didn’t use as much as I thought I would

  12. DG

    Denice G

    Exactly what I needed…LOTS of pre-made options to choose from. Thank you!

  13. SA

    Sarah A

    Great resource, my students love the visuals!

  14. JJ

    Jeanne J

    Love this in my classroom!

  15. SO

    Sothavy O

    Love it.

  16. ZB

    Zoe B

    Look great in my classroom!

  17. NB

    Nicole B

    thank you!

  18. JA

    jodie A

    This resource is amazing. I use it every day in my classroom. Easy to read clock and times and huge number of various subject topics.

  19. LF

    Lara Foley 


  20. JT

    Joanne T

    Love all the choices for calendar.

  21. JH

    James Holland 

    Great to have digital and analogue clocks for my firsties!

  22. ET

    Elena T


  23. CD

    Claire D

    Great product! I’ve been looking for something like this for my daily schedule.

  24. ET

    Emelyn T

    These are great! I just wish there was a simple “Math” card for the schedule.

  25. MM

    Michelle M


  26. KA

    Katy A

    This helps me stay organized for the day and lets the children know what to expect.

  27. HE

    Hailey Ever After 

    This is my first year in a primary grade, coming from upper elementary. Needless to say, I have been searching the internet for something for my friends to curb the question “what time is…?” While also allowing the ability to be self sufficient and exposed to clocks. This resource is amazing, includes a ton of options, and already has the clocks and times written digitally and in an analog format. Thank you!

  28. BB

    Beth Butterfield 


  29. LA

    Lee Ann Hawley 

    These are cute.

  30. LA

    Lee Ann Hawley 

    These are cute.

  31. SC

    Sarah C

    Love all of the possibilities for a cohesive looking schedule! You’ve thought of almost everything!

  32. KV

    Kim V

    so many choices and love the clocks

  33. AL

    Ashley L

    Great resource, love that it has the clocks as well.

  34. KT

    Kimberly T

    Loved it!

  35. ST

    Shannon T

    So cute! Thank you

  36. RM

    Rebecca M

    I like the visuals and clocks. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

  37. JW

    Jodi W

    Love the clock cards

  38. BM

    Beth M

    Awesome!! Thank you!

  39. CS

    Cherylynn Said 

    LOVE these! Thanks!

  40. BP

    Brenda P


  41. KB

    Kelsey B

    Perfect visual for my resource room!

  42. AM

    Amy M

    Love it! I have used this on my wall for 2 years now! It has everything I need for my schedule and more! I love that it came with the clocks since 2nd graders need so much practice with telling time!

  43. T


    Great resource! Love the choices available!

  44. BZ

    Brittney Z

    Just what I needed! Thank you!

  45. MF

    Molly F

    Just what I was looking for-thanks!

  46. SE

    Stephanie Eden 

    Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

  47. DM

    Doris M

    Great product!

  48. EY

    Elizabeth Yurkevicz 

    Great resource. Using it for summer school. Thank you.

  49. KH

    Kirsten H


  50. KH

    Kirsten H


  51. MW

    Megan W

    Finally a class schedule that I love! I am switching grade levels this year and I love the analog clocks and the variety of activities on the cards. I also LOVE the black and white patterns! Thank you!

  52. RC

    Raquel C

    Great Resource!! Can’t wait to post it in my classroom.

  53. SC

    Sarah C

    Love this!!!

  54. HI

    Hoppy in Second 

    Just what I needed. Thanks!

  55. JS

    Jennifer S

    Love the clock visual with the times!

  56. LN

    Lacey N E

    Exactly what I needed!

  57. KB

    Katelyn B

    I needed something with many different times, so this helped me so much!

  58. DM

    Deborah M

    Thank you, just what I was looking for!

  59. EC

    Elaine C


  60. A


    The variety of cards with this set is great. I also love how they are more diverse.

  61. KB

    Kelly B

    Excellent product. Thanks.
    I love the fact that I don’t have to create this on my own.
    Stress-free and time saver for sure!

  62. NP

    Nathan P

    love this! so much better than any other schedule I have looked at

  63. CN

    Cara Nolan 

    Great resource!!

  64. SH

    Staria H

    Lifesaver. Thanks!

  65. SD

    Sandi D

    So cute! I copied them on a smaller scale to put near my door, along the door frame. Pictures are helpful for non-readers.

  66. MB

    marcie B

    Easy to use.

  67. JB

    Jean B

    They look nice on my board!

  68. HO

    Heather O

    worked out well

  69. JC

    Jodi C


  70. MC

    margaret C

    Love how these look in my room

  71. TF

    Twila F

    It was easy, just print, laminate, and ready to use in my classroom.

  72. KB

    Kim B

    Worked well.

  73. SF

    Shenandoah F

    I liked that this resource had analog and digital clocks as well as empty schedule spaces for me to customize things in my own schedule.

  74. KM

    Kelley M

    Thanks so much for the clocks – I have been looking for these!

  75. GS

    Grace S

    Great! Thanks!

  76. LP

    Leopard Print Learning 

    Helpful to both teacher and students.

  77. DP

    Dorie P

    Thank you!

  78. LD

    Lisa D

    Thank you for this, I have been using it for a few years now and I love it.

  79. SB

    Stephanie B

    I laminated these so I could change the analog time when our schedule changes (as it often does…) Thanks!!!

  80. CP

    Christine P

    Love the clocks included!

  81. KH

    Karen Hill D

    Such a time saver! Thanks!

  82. JF

    Julia F

    This resources had everything! Great for creating a class schedule that I can edit and change as needed.

  83. MS

    Michelle S

    Great product.

  84. LM

    Larissa MacDougall 

    very useful

  85. J


    Easy to edit as needed

  86. AP

    Amber P

    Love how easy it is to change times and/or activities on our big classroom schedule. Thanks!

  87. MC

    Michelle C

    Love this!!

  88. AS

    Amelia S

    Just what I need to create an easy to follow schedule. Thank you!

  89. KT

    Kaysea T

    Thank you for the wonderful resource!

  90. MH

    Michelle H

    Great Resource

  91. AC

    Angela C

    Thank you!

  92. CF

    Courtney F

    Perfect addition to keep my students from asking “what’s next”. =)

  93. AE

    Amanda E

    This is a classroom must for me!

  94. NM

    Nannette M

    I love this resource, it’s cute and eye catching without being over the top and distracting. I especially love how it reinforcing my students recent unit on reading the hands on the clock with the combination of digital and analog times. Thank you!

  95. JS

    Jennifer S

    Cute graphics! I’m using this with one 5th grade student in particular to help the student match the visual of his scheduled activities with half-hour time increments as a math learning goal!

  96. II

    Infusing Indigenous Literature 


  97. AB

    Amy B

    Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

  98. MC

    Miranda C

    I like they clocks with the images to reinforce telling time.

  99. RC

    ronalee C

    This is a time saver. The students are able to clearly see what they are supposed tobe doing next.

  100. KM

    Kaitlyn M

    Loved this!

  101. SF

    Samantha F

    This has everything I need and the clocks are amazing! My kids know what time we transition and keep ME on task! I love them so much and look so cute! Thank yiu for such an amazing resource

  102. SA

    Shaunia A

    This is a great resource.

  103. KL

    Kim L

    These are great visual cards for my class.

  104. SL

    Shannon L

    I wish it had a couple of blank slides we could type on. I needed to be able to edit a couple and ended up cutting off parts of some to fit my categories.

  105. BH

    Brooke H


  106. SG

    Susan G

    Great resource! Visually appealing and easily can be placed in a pocket chart or hung on the wall.

  107. PS

    Patricia S

    Students use these schedule cards everyday! They are easy to read and the different time cards were very helpful.

  108. TR

    Tish R

    I love that I can post our schedule with words and with analog clocks. My kids are curious about the clocks and have had lots of conversation around what time they think each clock says. I can’t wait to teach time to my first graders!

  109. JH

    Jennifer H

    Great Resource!

  110. JR

    Jennifer R

    Thank you!

  111. SG

    Shannon G

    These are nice.

  112. KA

    Katie Avena 

    Th Clocks are amazing.

  113. RO

    Rainbow of Possibilities 

    We found out last minute we had to add times to our pocket chart. This is a lifesaver! My students with special needs love helping change the schedule! thanks to you!

  114. KH

    Kelly H

    Students are able to see our daily schedule as well as learn the analog and digital version for time.

  115. SS

    Stephanie S

    Great resource!

  116. MM

    MaryAnne M

    I purchased this product specifically for the analog/digital clocks to use as part of my daily schedule. I likely won’t use the subject names, as I don’t need the little pictures. They printed well and will look amazing!!

  117. MW

    Marcia W

    What a time saver!

  118. MB

    Mrs B’s for Special Needs 

    Great visual schedule.

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