Farmhouse Growth Mindset Affirmation Posters Bulletin Board:
These Shabby Chic Farmhouse Growth Mindset Affirmation Posters are perfect for your bulletin board!
Are you teaching your students about growth mindset and fixed mindset? Create a culture of success, perseverance, and motivation with these affirmation posters, trading cards, and printables. With a list of teacher suggestions for product use, you can utilize every page.
PLEASE NOTE: These are the SAME AFFIRMATIONS SEEN HERE, but these affirmations DO NOT include BLACK-AND-WHITE versions of the posters (the clip art is not available in black-and-white):
There are also coloring sheets that correspond with this poster set here (also includes a mindfulness component):
Grab the Growth Mindset Affirmations in Rip-n-Grow interactive format here:
This file contains the following:
- 22 unique growth mindset affirmation posters
- Each growth mindset affirmation comes in full-color poster size and full-color trading cards (4 per page)
- This file DOES NOT include the black-and-white version
- Two printables are also included
- Eight pages of bulletin board letters (G-R-O-W-T-H-M-I-N-D-S-E-T) in varying colors that match the posters if you choose to create a bulletin board
This PDF file contains 62 pages.
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