Last Week of School Activities for 4th Grade: End-of-Year-Reflections


178 reviews
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Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 42 PDF pages + Google Slides

Also included in:

  • 4th-grade-back-to-school-and-end-of-year-activities

    4th Grade Activities: Back-to-School and Last Week of School Activities and Letters BUNDLE

    Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $18.50.Add to cart


Last Week of School Activities for 4th Grade: End-of-Year Reflections

This Last Week of School Activities Pack for 4th grade includes everything you’ll need to send your students off at the end of the year with a smile on their faces and a connection to each other as they enter the summer months.

The summer glyph, end-of-year flip book, STEM challenge, and whole-class activities will keep your students busy with meaningful activities as the year winds down. These activities were specifically designed for 4th graders, but there are also Last Week of School Activity products available for 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 5th grade in my shop!

This last week of school activities file includes the following:

  • Last Week of School Activity Descriptions
  • Three Truths and a Fib
  • You are Fabulous
  • End-of-Year Autographs
  • Friendly Letter Template
  • End of 4th Grade Letter to My Teacher
  • Letter to Next Year’s 4th-Grade Students
  • Summer Scene Puzzle
  • Stringing it All Together – End of Year Whole Class Reflection Activity
  • STEM Challenge – Airplanes
  • Summer Glyph
  • End of Year Flip Book (8 pages)

All the activities in this Last Week of School Activity Pack focus on wrapping up the school year and/or looking forward to summer! Please see the thumbnails and preview for a sample and photos of the activities.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

This PDF file contains 42 pages + Google Slides™.

178 reviews for Last Week of School Activities for 4th Grade: End-of-Year-Reflections

Based on 178 reviews
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  1. AG

    Amy G

    Thank you!!!!

  2. CM

    Christie M

    Perfect for the last week of school!

  3. WS

    Whitney S

    Love It!

  4. JM

    Jodi M

    Excellent resource for the end of the school year. Thank you!

  5. AS

    Anne Smith 

    Perfect for this week!

  6. SD

    Stephanie D

    Helped me survive the last week.

  7. MK

    Miss K’s Corner 

    These were fun, though they seemed a little young for fourth soon-to-be fifth graders.

  8. AC

    Amber C

    This resource included a great variety of activities for the end of the year. My students enjoyed them!

  9. MM

    Megan Monaghan 

    Loved these activities and how many hands-on ideas that were included (like the stem challenge)

  10. TP

    Teaching Picazo Style 

    So helpful for the last week!

  11. JT

    Jennifer T

    Fun activities. Nice variety. My class enjoyed these the last week of school.

  12. ME

    Mitchell Essentials 

    Fun things for the kids to do, without it being “real” work. Keeping their brains going even on the last day is important!

  13. TM

    Tania M

    Loved having this resource to use!

  14. JP

    Julie Pirtle 

    This was so much fun for my students! Perfect for those days when testing is over, grades are finished but school is not. 🙂

  15. BB

    Brandi Borgemenke 

    Cute activities, my students loved them!

  16. CA

    chantal A


  17. DI

    Diana in Dual  

    great wrap up

  18. AD

    Amanda DiPetta 

    good product

  19. GM

    Ginger M

    Some wonderful activities to round out a great school year. The kids lived them.

  20. LM

    Lindsay M

    Loved it for end of the year activities!

  21. LM

    Lindsay M

    Loved it for end of the year activities!

  22. KD

    kristi D

    Fun activities.

  23. MC

    Mallory Calloway 

    I used this at the end of last year

  24. MC

    Mallory Calloway 

    I used this at the end of last year

  25. JP

    Jennifer P 

    Very useful when school is winding down and you need fun things to do.

  26. KR

    Kristen R

    Great for last week of school

  27. SN

    Stacy Neff 

    These activities were very helpful for the end of school.

  28. AS

    Ashlie S

    great stuff!

  29. TS

    Tessa Suckoo 

    Really fun activities for the last week of school! Thanks!

  30. SP

    Sarah P

    Very fun activities!

  31. AS

    Audra S 

    My students loved these activities. Thank you

  32. SL

    Sandra L

    different is good when it comes to ideas to close off a school year!!

  33. TN

    Teresa N

    Great resource. These worked so well for the last week of school. Students loved it! Thanks!

  34. KC

    Keri C

    Thank you for a great end of the year resource!

  35. SE

    Suzanne Eisler 

    My kids LOVED doing these, they actually wanted to hurry up and finish their other work so they could do this!

  36. CG

    Cristal G

    Lots of great ideas for the end of school!

  37. AD

    Amy D

    Great end of year activities, fun and still engaging!

  38. TM

    Tara M

    This was great!

  39. JH

    Jamie H

    Exactly what I needed to end the school year!

  40. EC

    Elizabeth C

    Fantastic resource! My kids loved it!

  41. RR

    Renee’s Reading Room 

    Cute activities. I look forward to using them with my class.

  42. AS

    Amy S

    Just what I needed

  43. AH

    Amy H

    Saving me! Thanks!

  44. AH

    Amber H

    Students loved these activities!

  45. A


    Well done.

  46. AF

    Amber F

    Just what I needed!

  47. VI

    Victoria I

    This is great!

  48. DH

    Deborah H

    Great resource, thanks!

  49. SW

    Stacie W

    My students especially loved the summer glyph!

  50. LS

    Layne S


  51. LS

    Layne S


  52. MF

    Mary Frances V

    The kids loved it. Thanks!

  53. TY

    Teach You Howe 

    This resource saved me the last week of school. The activities were fun, engaging and I was able to get stuff done!

  54. CM

    cynthia M

    This was a hit for my students. They enjoyed doing it all. The autograph sheets came in handy because not everyone had a year book. Thank you

  55. KH

    Kali Hayter 

    Exactly what I needed.

  56. EU

    Elizabeth U


  57. TD

    Tracy D

    We had a lot of fun with these activities!

  58. KC

    Kat Creations 

    Such a great resource. I students love the glyph!

  59. HH

    Holly H

    Loved this!

  60. DH

    Danielle H

    Really nice to have for those moments when you have extra time at the end of the year. Fun activities for students to do while being able to talk with friends

  61. JS

    John S

    These were great activities for the last week of school. I loved using it and felt it kept the class engaged.

  62. LL

    Lori L


  63. AM

    Abigail M

    Awesome and fun resource!

  64. KW

    Kelly W

    Fun resource!

  65. LL

    Larissa Lee Learning 

    This is exactly what I was looking for and it saved me a lot of time coming up with activities for those last few days of school.

  66. T


    Thank you!!

  67. RR

    Rita R

    Great ideas to keep the kiddos busy.

  68. AE

    Angela E

    You had me at glyph graph!

  69. LC

    LA Coach 

    Very nice end of the year activities. Will definitely use them again!

  70. LC

    LA Coach 

    Very nice end of the year activities. Will definitely use them again!

  71. RM

    Randi Malone 

    Thank you.

  72. KC

    Karen C

    Fun activities

  73. TM

    Tiffany M

    Great last week of school wrap up

  74. SM

    Sarah M

    This was a great way to end the year and still make them think a little!

  75. KS

    Kristi S

    A great go to for those last days of school.

  76. KC

    Kristine C

    The awards were very helpful.

  77. KC

    Kristine C

    The awards were very helpful.

  78. JR

    Jennifer R

    Lots of fun activities!

  79. AA

    Alice A T

    Now, I am ready for that last week of school!! Thank you!

  80. HH

    Harley Hatcher 

    My kids are going to enjoy this. THank YOU!!

  81. JM

    Jeaneva Mitchell 

    I enjoyed this resource

  82. CC

    Crystal C

    Love this! Thanks!

  83. PP

    Pittman’s Products 

    great resource! Thank you for making it!

  84. JD

    Jennifer D

    Great resource for the end of the year!

  85. HC

    Hannah C

    My kids loved the flipbook activity!

  86. DB

    Deitra B

    This was perfect, thank you!

  87. RB

    ReAnne B

    My students loved these!

  88. KG

    Kelley G

    This was a lot of fun and very helpful for the kiddos that did not purchase a yearbook. They did not feel left out of the signing fun.

  89. CP

    Christina P

    This was a huge hit for my class!

  90. HI

    Heather I

    I was looking for some enjoyable, meaningful activities to do over my last few days of school with me class, and I found this! My students especially enjoyed writing letters to next year’s class! Thanks!

  91. SE

    Shelby E


  92. JT

    Jodie T

    Class loved it!

  93. PR

    Peggy R

    This was a wonderful find to keep my students busy and engaged during the last weeks of school. Thank you so much!

  94. WB

    Whitney B

    Love this!

  95. MW

    Maggie W

    Great resource! My students especially loved the summer glyph!

  96. AS

    Amanda Smith 


  97. HW

    Hazel W

    My students were excited to do the activities.

  98. AS

    Amanda Smith 


  99. ZL

    Zoe Lengacher 

    Great resource! Thanks for sharing!

  100. TC

    Traci C

    Nice 🙂

  101. KP

    kelsey P

    My students loved this!

  102. KP

    kelsey P

    My students loved this!

  103. EH

    Elisabeth H

    Fun activities for the end of the year!

  104. SM

    Sandra M


  105. MD

    Mrs Donlon’s Desk 

    This resource was perfect for my students at the end of the year! Thank you so much!

  106. TA

    Teaching and Task Cards 

    My kids loved this last year. I will definitely be using it again this year.

  107. JM

    Jen M

    This was a nice go to at the end of the year!

  108. MH

    Melanie H

    Good Resource!

  109. LP

    Leanne P


  110. SS

    Susan Symenow 

    Fun activities as fillers!

  111. SS

    Susan Symenow 

    Fun activities as fillers!

  112. CB

    Courtney Button 

    Great resource.

  113. CH

    cathie hoffstatter 

    Thank you

  114. SS

    Susan S


  115. MC

    Madison C

    I can’t wait to use these in my classroom during the crazy last week of school!

  116. CS

    camrby S

    Great product!

  117. CS

    camrby S

    Great product!

  118. TM

    Tammy M

    I used several of these activities for the end of year. They were great!

  119. MM

    Melanie M

    Thanks for this wonderful end-of-the-year resource!

  120. 4G

    4th Grade Family 

    My class really liked doing these activities together. We didn’t get to the STEM challenge, but I am keeping it for next year!

  121. LR

    Laura R

    This was the perfect unit for the end of the year!

  122. KG

    Kristy Guzman 

    my kids loved the flipbook!

  123. PJ

    Payton J

    Great activities for those last couple of days when the kids are ‘checked out’ of everything else.

  124. ML

    Mari L G

    Perfect for the last week of school.

  125. KH

    Karen H

    Some great activities to have ready for the last weeks of school.

  126. RM

    Rachel M

    Loved the summer glyph!

  127. NM

    noelle mcgarry 

    My kids loved the activities.

  128. ES

    Elisa S

    Great for that last week when students are done!

  129. HL

    Hana L

    This was a great resource for end of year activities. The best part was that there are multiple grade levels so I was able to purchase the 3rd and 4th-grade bundles to use with my combination class.

  130. HL

    Hana L

    This was a great resource for end of year activities. The best part was that there are multiple grade levels so I was able to purchase the 3rd and 4th-grade bundles to use with my combination class.

  131. JJ

    Johnnie J

    Perfect activities to end the year!

  132. DB

    Darla B

    What a great resource. Thanks

  133. BT

    Brittany T

    Wonderful resource! Thanks so much!

  134. MK

    monica K

    fun ideas!

  135. NH

    Nicole H

    Great activities for the end of the year. My students enjoyed doing them.

  136. PL

    Peace Love Leilani 

    My students loved completing these activities at the end of the year!

  137. DH

    Debbie H

    This was great for my students to reflect on. Each student turned it in and they had fun sharing. I enjoyed reading their letters! They always like to share advice with the incoming students. It is fun to read their observations. They loved the truth and fib lesson. They took off with the STEM airplane activity! Great resource, thanks

  138. LB

    Lauren B

    Great activities to use with the kids. Easy to use

  139. WM

    Whitney Mattingly 

    Good product!

  140. CD

    Catherine D

    This was super easy to incorporate in my Google Classroom.

  141. TW

    Teaching with Standards 

    Nice product for the end of the year.

  142. LD

    Laura D

    Excellent resource to use my my students to wrap up the end of the school year.

  143. HS

    Heather S

    Great way to finish out the year! Fun activities that get students working.

  144. NM

    Natalie M

    Lots of good ideas

  145. DB

    Defined by Me 

    I used this the last week of school. The kids really enjoyed it!

  146. AD

    Ann D

    Awesome resource!

  147. DT

    Danielle T

    These were fun and engaging activities for the end of the year.

  148. YN

    Yalithza N

    Incorporated this activity into Google Slides and students were able to complete it. Great resource!!!

  149. 3G

    3rd Grade Reader 


  150. AS

    Allison Steffen 

    Thanks for such as great resource for the end of the school year! The kids enjoyed it and it was easy to implement.

  151. HS

    Helen S

    EOY lifesaver!! Thank you!

  152. RB

    Roberta B

    My students loved these activities

  153. M


    This was a great resource for the last week of school when my in-person students no longer had their chromebooks. I saved their letters to the future students so that I can read them next year. They also really loved the paper airplane STEM activity! I use this for in-person and virtual students.

  154. TF

    The First Grade Flair 


  155. KH

    Kaitlyn Hickman 

    Great activities for the end of the year. My 4th grade class enjoyed completing the activities. Thank you!

  156. NR

    Nikae R 

    Thank you!

  157. MC

    monica C

    Students had fun with the activities. Thank you!!

  158. JP

    Jacqueline P

    Wonderful resource!

  159. JC

    Jennifer C

    Great resource for last week of school activities. Thank you!

  160. MS

    Megan S

    Great Resource

  161. CS

    Class Sweet Class 

    These are great, fun activities to use at the end of the year this year!

  162. LL

    Lazy Lacy’s Lessons 


  163. PW

    Patricia W

    Very useful!

  164. DR

    Dalia R

    great product

  165. KS

    Kathryn S

    Great activities!

  166. HS

    Heather Strausser 

    Engaging Resource

  167. AB

    Ashley Britt 

    This was a great end of year activity! My students enjoyed it!

  168. KO

    Katie O

    Was a great last week of school activity!

  169. TF

    Tina F

    My students loved using some of these activities at the end of the year!

  170. MJ

    mckenna J

    My class loved these! Especially the flip book.

  171. OB

    Olivia B

    Awesome resource!

  172. ST

    Susan Troutt 

    My class loved using this at the end of the year. It was engaging at a time when we were all trying not to “check out”.

  173. VC

    Vanessa C

    Great resource!

  174. MC

    Monica C

    Thanks for the resources that were fun and meaningful that last week of school. My kids enjoyed them.

  175. SP


    Great end of year activities.

  176. TM

    Tara McFarlin 

    Great resource!

  177. BU

    Brianda Uribe 

    Great for End-Of-Year Activities.

  178. KC

    Kim C

    My students loved this resource and it was a great way to end the year.

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