Dictionary Skills Task Cards Practice Activities with Anchor Charts


160 reviews
Grade Levels: , , File Formats: ,

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 37 PDF pages + Google Option(s)

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  • language-arts-task-cards-activities-2nd-3rd-grade

    Language Arts Task Cards Activities and Anchor Charts for 2nd-3rd Grade

    Original price was: $25.25.Current price is: $20.00.Add to cart


Dictionary Skills Task Cards and Anchor Charts Activities:

This easy-to-use dictionary skills anchor charts and task cards product is a fun way for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders to practice using the functional parts of a dictionary and the skills needed to use a dictionary.

Each dictionary skill is described on anchor charts or instructional pages and includes:

  • Guide words
  • Phonetic spelling
  • Parts of speech
  • Syllabication
  • Definitions

Every component of dictionary skills and dictionary use are included in this product.

  • 24 dictionary skills task cards require students to identify the word that shows up on a page between two guide words in the dictionary.
  • The other 12 task cards ask students to use what they know about the parts of a dictionary to answer the questions. Answer sheets are included as well as answer keys.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

This PDF file contains 37 pages + Google Slides and multiple choice questions 1-24 on Google Forms.

160 reviews for Dictionary Skills Task Cards Practice Activities with Anchor Charts

Based on 160 reviews
5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
  1. LA

    LaConda A

    Awesome product! Thanks for your creativity!

  2. LA

    LaConda A

    Awesome product! Thanks for your creativity!

  3. TG

    Tracey G

    great ideas

  4. JM

    Jaryn M

    Great addition to my unit of reference material.

  5. DF

    Donna F

    engaging activity!

  6. KB

    Kimberly B

    Really excited to use in my classroom

  7. SM

    Shelagh M

    Great independent work. This is what we are currently working on so I can’t wait to use it with my class.

  8. DP

    Darrah P

    I love this!

  9. ML

    Mad Love for Reading 

    These were so cute to practice their dictionary skills! It also really helps with their ABC order practice. Great!

  10. TB

    Tracy Barr 

    What a great resource for independent work.

  11. MG

    Mary G

    Good resource, except some activities are too hard for my grade 2s.

  12. MG

    Mary G

    Good resource, except some activities are too hard for my grade 2s.

  13. PB

    Pam B

    We received dictionaries from a local charity, so I found your product to help them dig into and explore their new gift! It really gave them a look inside.

  14. PB

    Pam B

    We received dictionaries from a local charity, so I found your product to help them dig into and explore their new gift! It really gave them a look inside.

  15. CA

    Cupcakes and Chaos  

    This is great and just what I needed. Thank you!

  16. CD

    Clare D

    Fantastic independent activity

  17. JM

    Julie M

    Very helpful!

  18. CI

    Carrie Indestad 

    Great job!

  19. SH

    Stephanie H

    I like there there was a variety of cards. Not just the same dictionary skill on each one. Great job!

  20. CG

    Cynthia G

    Terrific resource for practicing these skills

  21. GM

    greg milner 

    Can always use some extra practice with this skill.

  22. CL

    Create Learn Explore 

    Great practice! Thank you!

  23. KJ

    Kacie James 

    Love this. My students struggle with this and this resource was very helpful.

  24. LO

    Lisa O

    Every year, such an important topic to cover, thanks!

  25. MK

    Ms K’s School Store 

    Easy to use.

  26. JH

    Julie Hynes 

    I loved using this with my class! Kids loved it too! Thank you for making this easy to use and implement quickly.

  27. KD

    Kelly D

    Great product! This was an excellent way for my students to review dictionary skills.

  28. DD

    Diana D

    I love these cards.

  29. JV

    Jennifer V

    Very helpful, thank you!

  30. EL

    Erin L


  31. EL

    Erin L


  32. SS

    Sonja S

    Another great product from your store! Colorful images keep the kids attentive and on task!

  33. KP

    Katie P

    I am excited to use this with our Dictionary skills work!

  34. MS

    michelle S

    A great time-saver, with appealing visuals. I was able to quickly see which students were confident with dictionary skills and those who needed more practice!

  35. MS

    michelle S

    A great time-saver, with appealing visuals. I was able to quickly see which students were confident with dictionary skills and those who needed more practice!

  36. AA

    amber A

    This is very helpful

  37. AA

    amber A

    This is very helpful

  38. NK

    Natalie Knoke 


  39. PW

    Patricia W

    Loved these!!

  40. FT

    For the visual learner 

    Can’t wait to use this with my higher level group!

  41. DR

    Dana R

    It completed my dictionary unit. Thanks.

  42. KJ

    Kasey J


  43. HJ

    Helena J

    Great for practicing skills.

  44. KB

    Kathleen B


  45. KC

    Kimberly Clay 

    Excellent review!

  46. AA

    Amanda A

    Thank you!!

  47. KC

    Katherine C

    These were fun activities

  48. NA

    Nazira A

    One of my top 2 favorite sellers for Language Arts unit. Absolutely loved these cards, I really appreciate you taking the time to ALWAYS include definition / explanation & examples pages in the beginning of each unit ! That is a tremendous benefit : )

    Also, providing a variety of cards was a great asset for this unit !

  49. GM

    Gretchen M

    Great way to support my second graders’ dictionary skills in a fun way.

  50. CY

    Carla Y

    Cute and fun for students to use.

  51. GD

    Gary D

    Good language art material

  52. JT

    Jessica T

    beautiful creation

  53. LC

    Laura Cone 


  54. KM

    Kerri M

    Loved this resource. It’s very colorful and the kids made a game out of it.

  55. EL

    Elizabeth Love 

    Great resource! Thanks

  56. KS

    Kirsten Stockman 

    Such a valuable skill – using the dictionary – I appreciate how you have made the tasks more thought provoking and mindful for the children rather than just rote. You have taken a necessary skill and made it so interesting. Thank you on behalf of myself and my students!

  57. TI

    Third in TN 

    Thank you so much! Exactly what my thirds need!

  58. MD

    Mary D

    This was one of the best purchases I have made on TpT. Thank you for being so thorough.

  59. AT


    This was a comprehensive, visually pleasing unit.

  60. CH

    Connie H

    I love teaching dictionary skills and that is such a tough skill for many kids. I can’t wait to use this with my third graders. Thanks so much!

  61. LR

    Linda R

    My favorite dictionary skills

  62. EK

    Erin K

    Took much longer than I thought but good challenge!

  63. WB

    Wendy B

    Thanks so much!

  64. B


    Great addition to my guided reading rotations

  65. CB

    Cynthia B

    Thanks for sharing this FANTASTIC resource. I love the fact that several skills are covered with these task cards. My intervention groups love digging into the dictionary with them.

  66. DK

    Dawn K

    Great for an Anchor chart

  67. EM

    Emily M

    LOVE 🙂 Thank you!!

  68. AS

    Amanda S

    Good colourful resources – great for reinforcing alphabetical order.

  69. EG

    Erin Gilbert 

    Love this!

  70. MA

    Melanie A

    Perfect for my students

  71. DT

    Denise Tom 

    Love it!

  72. CN

    Courtney Newman 

    This was perfect for my 4th graders when brushing up on our dictionary skills.

  73. MR

    Megan R 

    Just the kind of task cards I was looking for when reviewing dictionary skills! Just perfect!

  74. KS

    karen S

    So excited to use this!

  75. BS

    Brenda S

    My students loved the task cards. We did them on the “big screen” and they loved the colorful format and fun pictures.

  76. SD

    Shelly D

    So helpful!! Thank you!

  77. KP

    Kerri P

    My students loved these task cards.

  78. MN

    Melanie N

    Thank you for the awesome resource!

  79. CM

    Caitlyn M

    Great resource to use in my grammar center!

  80. MD

    Melissa DeMoss 

    Excellent reference I used in reader’s notebooks for students

  81. JS

    Jamie Sammis 

    great job

  82. DM

    Debbie M

    Nice product.

  83. LW

    Learning with Ms Polk 

    Thanks for sharing!

  84. AK

    Andrea Kier 

    Great resource

  85. TM

    Teach Math Like a Unicorn 

    Thank you for creating these amazing resources! This has really helped my student learn how to look up words in a dictionary. Thanks again!

  86. MG

    Michelle G


  87. LF

    Lorena Flores 

    awesome resource

  88. TK

    Teaching Kiddos with Mandy 

    Super cute for my KIDDOS!

  89. NH

    Nichole H

    This is an awesome resource! Thank you!

  90. AG

    Amanda G

    Great for a station.

  91. LK

    Lisa K

    Thank you

  92. LF

    Lugenia F

    Excellent Resource!!!

  93. SF

    Sara F

    Good resource! Thanks!

  94. CT

    Candace T

    Great product!!! Thank you!!

  95. JB

    Jennifer B

    Great product!

  96. PC

    Prue C

    Thanks for the great resource!

  97. BM

    Brenda Maulik 

    This really helped my high students learn to use the dictionary.

  98. PG

    Patricia G


  99. AS

    Alisa Self 

    Can’t wait to use this!

  100. AK

    Ashlee K

    Very helpful for my students struggling in English/Language Arts!

  101. LP

    Lara P

    Great Anchor Charts and Task Cards!

  102. KW

    Keila W


  103. CA

    C and A’s Creations 

    Great activity

  104. RA

    Ruth A

    Thank you for this!

  105. RC

    Rilee C

    So easy to use!

  106. JS

    Jenny S

    Awesome resource! This is great to use whole group and in stations!

  107. EM

    Elizabeth M

    Great for students to practice dictionary skills!

  108. LM

    Lisa M

    The students love task cards. We are not ready for these yet, but I love how they are put together.

  109. AA

    Alyce A W

    Great product My kiddos love using task cards

  110. SW

    Susan W

    Very helpful resource

  111. MA

    Mary Ann Miller 

    Excellent product! It made my students realize they don’t know as much about using a dictionary as they thought they did! 😛

  112. RT

    Rebecca T

    Love that this focuses on the guide words! That’s one of the trickiest parts for my third graders!

  113. LT

    Lynnae T

    It’s colorful and inviting. A great resource to help kids learn dictionary skills.

  114. SB

    Stacy B

    This is a great way for students to practice using the dictionary.

  115. SL

    Samantha L

    Great! I used as part of a literacy rotation.

  116. CC

    carla C


  117. SF

    Sunny from Second 


  118. RY

    Roxana Y

    Great product

  119. JP

    Jennifer P

    Great for stations!

  120. CT

    Christi T

    thank you

  121. JC

    Justin C

    Was a great way to engage students while learning dictionary skills

  122. KD

    Kim D

    Great to help reinforce dictionary skills!

  123. CM

    Cheryl Miller 

    Love this resource!

  124. JR

    joycelyn R

    Very useful

  125. CS

    Catherine S

    Great anchors charts to house in the media center.

  126. MP

    Mary P

    Great resource for dictionary skills.

  127. LB

    Laura B

    Excellent resource.

  128. MP

    Madonna P

    I used these with my dictionary unit. The students really liked them.

  129. CB

    Carol Bradfield 

    Great resource for my students! I loved using it and the kids enjoyed it!

  130. WD

    Wilcher Digital Finds  

    I teach an adult education remediation English course. This resource worked perfectly in my google classroom. Students were able to access the Google Slides and Forms with ease. Some of my students struggled with dragging the arrows on one of the Google Slide activities. All in all, this is a great resource to use with all learners. Especially, distance learners. It’s interactive, colorful and fun!

  131. MM

    Melissa M

    Great Source

  132. JB

    Jazmyn B

    Great resource!

  133. TD


    Thank you for creating this resource. I am using this to extend my higher readers in year 1.

  134. EL

    Eric L

    Great resource and helpful. Thanks

  135. CK

    Courtney K

    Having materials that are ready to use digitally is very helpful.

  136. VT

    virgle T


  137. VM

    Valerie M

    We love having these materials to help students become experts with using the dictionary. Great Resource!

  138. LS

    Lindsey S


  139. TS

    Tammy Smith 4th 

    Fun way to practice this concept and is easy to use and grades it for you.

  140. AR

    Alesha R

    Great resource! I used this for review in centers! 🙂

  141. T


    Perfect companion for teaching about dictionary skills!

  142. SF

    Stephanie F

    Great resource to help students learn how to use the dictionary.

  143. PR

    Pamela R

    Great resource thanks for sharing.

  144. MC

    Melissa C

    This was a great resource to continue helping my students learn about guide words.

  145. WM

    Whitney M

    Thanks for a wonderful resource.

  146. RP

    Rachel P

    Thank you!

  147. PE

    Pamela E

    Great for test prep!

  148. PG

    Pam Gatton 


  149. VW

    Velma W

    Great resource.

  150. KW

    Kristin W

    So helpful for review!

  151. JD

    Judi D

    Excellent Resource! Thanks!!

  152. SS

    Samantha S

    Great resource when learning about dictionaries!

  153. VS

    Victoria S

    This was great! My students were able to use this with ease and it was it was great practice

  154. VA

    Victoria Akers 


  155. CN

    Courtney Nowak 

    Great resource!

  156. IE

    Itzel Esquivel 

    Good for centers

  157. HC

    hailey C

    I love that I can adapt and use these for whole group, small group, or independent practice.

  158. EK

    Emily Karwisch 


  159. GD

    Giuseppina D

    Excellent resource!

  160. CV

    Carmen V

    Very helpful used it last year can’t wait for a repeat.

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

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