Last Week of School Activities for 2nd Grade: End-of-Year-Reflections


290 reviews
Grade Level: File Formats: ,

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 42 PDF pages + Google Slides

Also included in:

  • 2nd-grade-back-to-school-and-end-of-year-activities

    2nd Grade Activities: Back-to-School and End of Year Activities and Letters BUNDLE

    Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $18.50.Add to cart


Last Week of School Activities for 2nd Grade: End-of-Year Reflections

This last week of school activities file for 2nd grade includes everything you’ll need to send your students off at the end of the year with a smile on their faces and a connection to each other as they enter the summer months.

The summer glyph, end-of-year flip book, STEM challenge, and whole-class activities will keep your students busy with meaningful activities as the year winds down. These activities were specifically designed for 2nd graders, but there are also Last Week of School Activity products available for 1st grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade in my TPT store!

This last week of school activities product includes the following activities:

  • Last Week of School Activity Descriptions
  • Three Truths and a Fib
  • You are Fabulous
  • End-of-Year Autographs
  • Friendly Letter Template
  • End of 2nd Grade Letter to My Teacher
  • Letter to Next Year’s 2nd-Grade Students
  • Summer Scene Puzzle
  • Stringing it All Together – End of Year Whole Class Reflection Activity
  • STEM Challenge – Airplanes
  • Summer Glyph
  • End of Year Flip Book (8 pages)

All the activities in this Last Week of School Activity Pack focus on wrapping up the school year and/or looking forward to summer! Please see the thumbnails and preview for a sample and photos of the activities.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

This PDF file contains 42 pages + Google Slides.

290 reviews for Last Week of School Activities for 2nd Grade: End-of-Year-Reflections

Based on 290 reviews
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  1. AW

    Amber W

    The end of the year is quickly approaching and I’m excited to use this with my 2nd graders!

  2. KS

    Kylie S

    I can’t wait to for the kids to do these activities! Thanks!

  3. JC

    Jenny Carter 

    Can’t wait to use these the last week of school!

  4. KC

    Kristal C

    Good stuff!!

  5. JE

    Jennifer E

    This will be great for the last week! Love the flipbook and STEM activity especially!

  6. DB

    Dobie B

    Nice to come up wiht

  7. DB

    Dobie B

    Nice to come up wiht

  8. KA

    kathy albert 

    great! thanks

  9. RC

    Rachelle Clay 

    Can’t wait to complete this with my kids! I’m excited to read their letters!

  10. SR

    Stephanie Rush 

    Using this packet this week! 🙂 Thanks

  11. SB

    Stephanie B

    Great quality! Activities that will guarantee to challenge as well as entertain. Thanks

  12. EG

    Ellyn G

    This has a lot of cute ideas for the last week of school, when you need something to do!

  13. EB

    Emily Buckler 

    Fun stuff! Just what we need to get through the last few days! Thanks!

  14. HI

    Hoppy in Second 

    Great for the last weeks of school!

  15. AB

    Angela B


  16. MF

    Meghan F

    awesome resource

  17. NP

    Nicole P

    My class loved these activities.

  18. AB

    Angela B


  19. LR

    Laura R

    Lots of fun activities that kept my kids engaged!

  20. SR

    Sabrina R

    very handy to keep them occupied at the end of the year.

  21. JM

    Jill Motluck 

    The students really enjoyed these activities.

  22. SR

    Sabrina R

    very handy to keep them occupied at the end of the year.

  23. KG

    Kelly G

    My students LOVED this!

  24. KB

    Kristen B

    A great way to end my second graders year!

  25. SA

    Sue A

    Awesome activity for the end of the year!

  26. KB

    Kyle Bechtel 

    Was so helpful!

  27. LB

    Lora B

    Fun activities 🙂

  28. DW

    Denise W

    Thanks for sharing…the kids enjoyed the activities!

  29. JC

    Jacqueline C

    This packet was awesome for the end of the year! The activities really engaged my students and allowed us to have a lot of fun while still learning! Thank you!

  30. CB

    Connie B

    I used so much of this!! I like how flexible the different activities were. Thank you!!

  31. SH

    Second Helpings 

    Perfect for the end of the school year! My students loved this.

  32. MR

    Melody R

    Kids enjoyed this! Thank you!

  33. DC

    Deanna C

    It was very useful.

  34. JS

    Julianne S

    My students really enjoyed the different activities. Thank you.

  35. LC

    Lori C

    An incredible product that is different from what I’ve been using at the end of the year. Thanks!!!

  36. KC

    kari C

    Great way to end the year!

  37. AA

    Andrea A

    this was perfect for the end of year activities. My students enjoyed having something fun to work on.

  38. LA

    Leigh Ahrendt 

    This looks fabulous. I cannot wait to use it.

  39. KL

    Kathy Lee 


  40. KI

    Katherine I

    These were so nice to have the last week of school!!

  41. KB

    Kalena B

    These are great! I bought them too late but I can’t wait until the end of this year to bust these out!

  42. AL

    Ashley L

    my students absolutely loved the stem challenges in this pack. It made the last week of school so much fun and very memorable

  43. KI

    Katherine I

    These were so nice to have the last week of school!!

  44. JH

    Jennifer H

    My second graders really enjoyed this! Thank you.

  45. JK

    Jenneifer K

    So many great ideas!

  46. MM

    Mrs M 

    Great end of year review! Thanks!

  47. TS

    Tiffany S

    My kids loved participating in these activities! I was able to keep them engaged and it wasn’t “busy” work.

  48. TH

    TARA H

    Thanks for doing the work! I will use it next year!

  49. MJ

    Michelle Johnston 

    THese are great 🙂

  50. CP

    Carrie P

    Loved these

  51. DG

    Donna G

    Kids loved these. Thanks!

  52. KK

    Kelly K

    So fun and engaging.

  53. CB

    Christina B

    My students really enjoyed the activities. I loved the quality and variety.

  54. AH

    Ashley H

    These were a lifesaver at the end of the year!!

  55. KG

    Kayti G

    My students had a great time with this!

  56. DC

    danielle C

    Kept my students engaged!

  57. SR

    Sarah R

    This worked out great with my second graders! It helped keep them engaged at the end of the school year.

  58. KW

    Katie W

    Thanks for a great resource!

  59. NH

    Nichole H

    Amazing resource! I love it so much!

  60. LH

    Lauren H

    Great! Thanks!

  61. BY

    barbara Y

    Great activities!

  62. JC

    Jill Canning 

    my kids loved doing these activities

  63. CC

    Catie C

    My students loved doing these activities the final week of school.

  64. KP

    Kathy Paulson 

    These ideas will be great at the end of this school year. Thank you!

  65. HM

    Haley Minor 

    Kids had so much fun with this!

  66. SI

    Stephanie I


  67. JW

    Jenn Ware 

    This was so handy and ready to roll with!

  68. JB

    jennifer B

    Very helpful and offers challenging activities for students

  69. AP

    Angela P

    Some fun ideas here!

  70. LB

    Lisa B

    My students love these!

  71. SS

    Sarah S

    Nice Work

  72. KB

    Kendall B

    Such a wonderful resource! Thanks!

  73. SK

    Stacey K


  74. KB

    Kimber B

    Excited to use it.

  75. AL

    Abbie L

    The graphics could be cuter….not sure if I will be using it or not….I’ve seen cuter end of the year activities since I purchased this- so much out there to choose from, just wish these were cuter and more creative?

  76. AL

    Abbie L

    The graphics could be cuter….not sure if I will be using it or not….I’ve seen cuter end of the year activities since I purchased this- so much out there to choose from, just wish these were cuter and more creative?

  77. KG

    Kimberly G

    I can’t wait to use these activities this year with my 2nd graders, thank you!!!

  78. TA

    Taylor A

    As a first year teacher, this really helped me get ideas on what I could do for the last week of school.

  79. MP

    Melissa P

    Great materials! love the glyph

  80. LC

    laura C

    looking forward to using this at the end of the year when my creative side has all but disappeared..

  81. AG

    April G


  82. SP

    Sarah P

    Great end of the year activities!

  83. LP

    Laura P

    I will use these activities on our last three days of school, which are early release days. The activities will keep them busy!

  84. HU

    Herron Unique Teaching 

    Great activities. Thank you!!

  85. SG

    Second Grade Catitudes  

    So cute! Thank you!

  86. KP

    Kairos P

    I was so excited to use this during our last week of school Thanks!

  87. L


    I used lots of the activities included in this bundle. Awesome, fun stuff for end of the year! 🙂

  88. SN

    S Nicole H

    Always at a loss on how to keep the students occupied while I do end of the year stuff – perfect!!

  89. AT

    A T Spoon of Everything 

    Great to use as filler activities for the end of the year.

  90. LL

    Lauren Luby 

    So much fun!

  91. LV

    Laura Villavicencio 

    Great! Thanks!

  92. VB

    Vicki B

    Just what we need to get through this last week!

  93. LA

    Lourdes A

    thank you this was perfect to use to end the year with a bang!

  94. AF

    Always Fun in Second Grade 

    Thank you! My students absolutely loved these!!!

  95. AA

    Alexandra A

    My kids loved the summer glyph!

  96. LK

    lori K

    This was a huge life saver, especially on the last few days of school when I need to get organized!! Thank you!

  97. SW

    sandra W

    We thoroughly enjoyed these! A great variety, all high-interest. Thank-you!

  98. JW

    Jessica W

    This was perfect. Thanks.

  99. GH

    Gabrielle H

    Great way to close out the summer, thanks!

  100. JC

    Julie C

    Great tool!

  101. EC

    Erin C

    Fun way to end the year!

  102. AN

    Amy Near 

    Great for the last week of school!!

  103. MC

    Mrs Cornaby’s ABCs and 123s 

    My kiddos loved these!

  104. BR

    Brittney Rabens 

    Great resource! Thank you!

  105. AS

    Amanda S

    This was a wonderful resource to end our year with. Thank you!

  106. BK

    Bethany Keegan 

    This was great! Thank you!

  107. JD

    jennifer day 

    Awesome stuff!

  108. KR

    Khari R

    Thanks for such a good resource!!!!

  109. KM

    kelly M

    great way to start the year!

  110. AT

    Amanda T

    Perfect for the last week of school!

  111. RM

    Renee M

    The end of the year is tough-students are checking out mentally, curriculum is wrapping up, but in my school we STILL have full days the last week. This bundle provided some fun , meaningful activities to power through to the last day of school.

  112. KS

    Kimberly S

    Exactly what I was looking for!

  113. JS

    Jillian S


  114. EB

    Edna B

    Loved using it!

  115. RS

    Reach Sky High 

    Excellent product!

  116. AN

    Abygail Newsome 

    My students loved these activities, especially the summer glyphs!

  117. KR

    Kathryn R

    This was such a huge help during the last week of school. The activities were stand alone, and easy for students to complete independently.

  118. KA

    Kate A

    Kept my kiddos entertained while I could finish all the records and filing for the last week!

  119. LW

    Lisa Warunek 

    My second graders really enjoyed this! Thanks!

  120. SH

    Shannon H

    Great resource for the end of the year, thank you!

  121. JP

    Julie Porter 

    These were so fun! Thanks

  122. SD

    Susan D

    wonderful resource

  123. MY

    Mrs Youngblood’s Tool Chest 

    Awesome resource.

  124. SH

    Stacey H

    Thank you! My kids loved it 🙂

  125. CE

    Casey Eller 

    This was a lifesaver for the last week of school! I loved it!

  126. RG

    Rebecca G


  127. MW

    Michele W

    wonderful activities

  128. AB

    Alexandra B

    Kids loved these activities!

  129. MH

    Megan H

    Loved all the activities! My students especially loved the Summer Glyph page! Thanks!

  130. MP

    Melissa P

    So handy to kee kids thinking towards the end of the year.

  131. SS

    Sara S

    Thank you !!!

  132. MH

    Melissa H

    Great fun!

  133. AW

    Ashley Weiss 

    Great resource to get all of us through those last few days of school! Thanks!

  134. JS

    Jennifer Stillman 


  135. LD

    Leslie D

    Loved it!

  136. JH

    Julie H

    Great no-prep engaging activities for the last week!

  137. MB

    Michele Burgoyne 

    This was fun at the end of last year!

  138. CJ

    Christine J


  139. BW

    Brittney W

    So much fun, thank you!

  140. LT

    Lori T

    I can’t wait to use this in 2018!

  141. MM

    Melody M

    Love it!

  142. HM

    Hollyday M

    A blessing for those teachers who have reached the end of their rope but still want to do fun things!

  143. DM

    Debra M

    Looks like a lot of fun! I can’t wait to use it!

  144. EM

    Elizabeth Matherly 

    Loved using this to end the year!

  145. AK

    Alice K

    Great activities!!

  146. TE

    Tayler E

    Thank you for the fun activities to look forward to as we wrap up the school year!

  147. TH

    Tina H


  148. CS

    Cindy S

    How wonderful to have such a selection for the last week of school that is valid and interesting. Thank you for such quality activities.

  149. KK

    Kelly K

    Love this!

  150. SY

    Shannon Y

    Thank you! I cannot wait to use this!

  151. AM

    Alena M

    The letter to my teacher and next years kids was perfect for the last week of school.

  152. MW

    McKenzie W

    So cute! Thanks!

  153. TL

    Tiffini L

    The students stayed engaged and loved it

  154. AK

    Amanda K

    Great stuff!

  155. AK

    Amanda K

    Great stuff!

  156. JS

    Janet S

    Students will enjoy these activities.

  157. CW

    Courtney W

    This was a wonderful resource. My students really enjoyed working on these activities and learned a lot in the process. Thank you!

  158. S


    Great Product!

  159. MR

    Meghan R

    My students loved all of these activities for the end of the year.

  160. CS

    Cyndia S

    Thank you

  161. HF

    Haley F

    My students love glyphs and had so much fun with this one! Awesome end of year activities. Thanks!

  162. MC

    Miss C Reads 

    Fun activities for the end of the year! My students loved using these resources at the end of the year.

  163. JF

    Janet F

    Thanks for helping to make our last week at school more enjoyable.

  164. KP

    Kathryn P

    these are great!

  165. DO

    Denise O

    Students had a great time with this packet

  166. DW

    Delilah Whitaker 

    Great resource!!

  167. KS

    Katie Sawyer 

    This was very helpful for the end of the year. Thank you for putting it together.

  168. HN

    Heather Nivens 

    These were fun activities to keep the students engaged at the end of the school year!

  169. SP


    My kiddos loved these activities. Thanks!

  170. MR


    Thank you

  171. KD

    Kim Davison 

    Lots of fun activities. Thanks!

  172. DD

    Danielle Danos 

    This was very helpful in planning fun, last week activities!

  173. SL

    Stephanie L

    I can’t wait to use these again. Thank you!

  174. DM

    Denisse M

    Super cute!!

  175. SS

    Sara S

    I like that this resources follows the same outline as its beginning of the year counterpart.

  176. LL

    Lostak Learners 

    Awesome resource! Thanks!

  177. JS

    jennifer S

    This packet was a lifesaver during those last weeks. Thank you!

  178. AP

    Amanda P

    Very useful for those last few weeks

  179. AS

    Amanda S

    Great activities for end of year and also to send home with parents asking for summer work. Thanks!

  180. DD

    Dixie D

    Thanks for creating a great unit!

  181. LW

    Lori W

    Thank You.

  182. MM

    Magical Moments in Second 

    Awesome Resource!

  183. TC

    tamme C

    loved it

  184. TC

    tamme C

    loved it

  185. LD

    Linda Davis 

    This was a GREAT resource for a very pregnant, very tired teacher at the end of last school year! Thank you so much!

  186. MR

    Meghan R


  187. JM

    Jessica M

    We had alot of fun with these activities!

  188. SM

    Sarah M

    Loved using these at the end of the year with my second graders- can’t wait to use it again this year!

  189. PV

    Pamela V

    Fun ideas

  190. MH

    Madonna H


  191. CM

    Cheryl Miller 

    Great activities for our last few days together! Thank you!

  192. CL

    Carley Loughrey 

    Just what I needed to spice up the last few weeks of school!

  193. EK

    E Kersting Peterson K

    great way to end the year

  194. CV

    Cara V

    Great ideas!

  195. AS

    Amy S

    Loved this!

  196. LW

    Lexie W

    My kids loved this! Great engaging activities and easy prep for me! Teacher win!

  197. TG

    Tracey G

    The activities are engaging, well thought out and fun for the kids!

  198. KL

    Kelly L

    Just what I needed. Thanks!

  199. KL

    Kelly L

    Just what I needed. Thanks!

  200. AH

    Ashley H

    This is perfect for the end of the year. Thank you.

  201. GL

    Gina L

    Great resource for end of the year!

  202. AL

    Anna L

    Perfect activities to end the school year with in my class! Especially loved the flip booklet and stem activity!

  203. MA

    Melissa Allen 

    We loved the flipbook! Thanks!!

  204. CW

    Cary W

    Best end of the year pack I’ve ever used!

  205. LH

    Laura H

    Great for end of the year!

  206. LH

    Laura H

    Great for end of the year!

  207. KC

    Katherine C

    Good to do at the end of the year.

  208. MD

    maggie D

    I loved it. The kids enjoyed recording their thoughts.

  209. JB

    Jennifer B

    First time using glyphs for me and I and my class loved, loved, loved them.

  210. DA

    Delia A

    great activities

  211. KG

    Kayla G

    my 2nd graders LOVED these activities

  212. AM

    Amy M

    Very creative ideas! I appreciate your work!

  213. AM

    Amy M

    Very creative ideas! I appreciate your work!

  214. CH

    Carrie H

    This is a great resource, my students loved the paper airplane STEM activity!

  215. KR

    Kelly R

    This was perfect for my needs and my students stayed engaged.

  216. DG

    Dianna Gutierrez 

    Love these activities for the end of the year!

  217. GC

    Gabriella C

    My students LOVED these end of the year activities.

  218. SB

    Sara B

    This was super easy to print and use! No prep!

  219. AD

    Alecia D

    Such a great way to end the year!

  220. JI

    Joscelyn I

    This was a fabulous end of year resource. I loved using it with my 2nd grade students!

  221. BD

    Becky D

    Such a wonderful addtiion to end of year activities.

  222. AL

    Amy Layton 


  223. AB

    Amber B

    Great resource for the last week of school!

  224. IL

    Inspire Learn Grow 

    Great resource and my students enjoyed using it the last week of school!

  225. IL

    Inspire Learn Grow 

    Great resource and my students enjoyed using it the last week of school!

  226. HC

    Heidi Christensen 

    Super fun activities for that last week! Thank you!

  227. KC

    Kathryn C

    Perfect for the end of the year review.

  228. LP

    Llana P

    Good resource!

  229. RH

    Rachel Hildewig 


  230. CB

    CarlyJo B


  231. CB

    CarlyJo B


  232. EW

    Emily Werkhaven 


  233. DV

    Danielle V

    Love the variety of activities. Great price for the resource.

  234. KR

    Kayla R

    This was helpful with my students to keep them busy at the end of the year.

  235. MA

    Miss Annie Always  

    I use this resource every school year for the last week of school! The activities are so engaging, and also provide a time of reflection on the year. Love it!

  236. KB

    Kaitlyn B

    It was a great last week of school activities

  237. HW

    Heather Walker 

    Lots of good ideas.

  238. T


    These activities are so engaging. It gives the students a chance to reflect on the school year. They enjoyed completing these activities.

  239. PR

    Patricia Robertson 

    Great end of the year activity.

  240. EG

    Earl G

    This was a terrific resource and well worth the price!

  241. TT

    Tammy T

    Great resource.

  242. KB

    Kim B

    Lots of fun activities to keep my students engaged at the end of the year.

  243. MR

    Mrs Romeros Room 

    This has been perfect for the end of the year!

  244. AG

    Abbey G

    Loved the memory book flipbook!

  245. DR

    Demyla R

    Great activities to complete the final week of school.

  246. KB

    Karen B

    A true LifeSaver for the end of the year!!!!!

  247. BR

    BrieAnna R

    My students favorite activity in this packet was the summer glyph. We made a giant beach with all our colorful pieces and shared why we chose the different things provided. It was fun coloring and seeing how it all came together.

  248. SB

    Stacy B

    There were some fun activities in here. Thanks!

  249. LA

    Lisa A

    great product for my students!

  250. VS

    Velvet S

    Great Resource

  251. MF

    Michelle Fanello 

    Loved the material. Thank You!

  252. MK

    Marybeth Kastrud 

    This was so fun! I loved sharing and doing the activities with my kiddos during the last week of school. Rave reviews from the 8 year olds!

  253. AK

    April K

    Worked perfect! Thank you!

  254. RK

    Rachael K

    This was a great resource for my students the last week of school. Thank you!

  255. JJ

    Joanne J

    All of the activities contained in this resource were excellent for second grade students. I provided some fun while still learning.

  256. TC

    Tiffany C


  257. JB

    James B

    Perfect! Easy to use (especially during the last (very busy) week of school)! Thank you!

  258. HV

    Happy Vegan Teacher 

    Engaging activities that give students a chance to reflect on the school year. Not planning to use every activity here but some were great!

  259. LS

    Laurie S

    Fun and engaging activities for the final week of school!

  260. RB

    Randy B

    Students found this fun and engaging for the end of the year when they did not want to be there.

  261. KS

    Kimberly S

    Lots of fun activities!

  262. RZ

    Ruth Z

    Perfect for this lesson!

  263. PB

    Pebble B

    So much fun

  264. SI

    Spring Into Second Grade 

    This really helped me with planning for the last week of school! A great review of topics from throughout the year.

  265. MM

    Meghan M

    This was a great resource with little planning for end of the year activities.

  266. JB

    Jenny B

    My students loved these activites! Thank you!

  267. TJ

    Tracey J

    Fun and engaging!

  268. BG

    Briana G

    This resource helped tremendously for distant learning!

  269. NH

    Nicole Humphrey 

    Excellent resource! Thank you!

  270. RC

    Rachel C

    Loved this resource

  271. CM

    Courtney M

    Amazing resource that was easy to assign and interact with!

  272. BB

    Beck’s Buzz 

    Great resource. Some really hit the virtual spot, and others not so much.

  273. ND

    Nathan D

    These end of year activities were a hit with my 2nd grade class. I liked that they were digital and .pdf formats. These were fun and engaging and a great way to end the year!

  274. LL

    Lindsey L

    This is a great resources!

  275. JM

    Julie M

    This was a great activity for the last week!

  276. SJ

    Stefanie Jamison 

    My students enjoyed these activities.

  277. KK

    Kelsie Kloos 

    This was great to pull out at the end of the year.

  278. HC

    Hannah C

    Great resource, thank you!

  279. JB

    Jennifer B

    I love these! Great product! Thank you!

  280. GB

    Grant B

    The students enjoyed this resource. I also thought it helped me to know how the students felt about spending a year of their schooling with me.

  281. CS

    CC Springhetti 

    Thank you!

  282. AH

    Ashley H

    Great, and so easy for the last week!

  283. DM

    Debbie Marks 

    Students enjoyed the activities.

  284. NM

    Noemi M

    Great product. Thank you!

  285. SA

    Shelby A


  286. KM

    Katherine M

    Great resource!

  287. MM

    Megan M

    Great product!

  288. MN

    Moore News 

    My students loved this resource and enjoyed using it very much.

  289. MB

    Mary Beth M

    These were helpful to me as an end of the year activity.

  290. DO

    Daniya O.

    Great bundle

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