Shades of Meaning Task Cards and Anchor Charts Activities


151 reviews
Grade Levels: , , File Formats: ,

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 33 PDF pages + Google Options

Also included in:

  • 4th-grade-language-arts-activities

    Language Arts Task Cards and Anchor Charts Activities BUNDLE: 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade

    Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $21.50.Add to cart


Shades of Meaning Task Cards and Anchor Charts:

These shades of meaning task cards and anchor charts activity covers standards for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.

This shades of meaning activity includes the following:

  • Four instructional pages (anchor charts with explanations of shades of meaning adjectives)
  • 36 task cards with three different questions types
  • An answer sheet
  • An answer key

Shades of meaning can confuse students, and this product provides criteria and practice for understanding the intensity of different adjectives.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

This file contains 33 pages + Google Slides™ and Google Forms™.

151 reviews for Shades of Meaning Task Cards and Anchor Charts Activities

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Showing 141 of 151 reviews (5 star). See all 151 reviews
  1. KW

    Kristen W Reynolds 

    This is just what I was looking for! Thanks!

  2. J


    Great resource. Thank you.

  3. K


    Love the cards! Already placed this into our lesson plan for next week!

  4. CC

    Christy’s Creations  

    Love it!

  5. VR

    Valerie R

    Great resource. Thank you!

  6. ME

    Marta E


  7. ML

    Mad Love for Reading 

    These were perfect! I loved how they addressed putting words in order of strength and also how it had multiple choice options. I play Scoot with it, and my kids LOVE it.

  8. DC

    Deborah C

    Great practice, my kids loved it. Thanks

  9. AA

    Alice A

    Great resource! Thanks.

  10. JF

    Jennifer F

    This was perfect for teaching my students Shades of Meaning. Thanks!

  11. TW

    Tabitha W

    Love these!

  12. JS

    Jaclyn S


  13. DH

    Dana Hadsell 

    great activity

  14. KS

    Kirsten S

    We had a lot of fun exploring these activities!

  15. WW

    Walls’ Whimseys 

    Shades of Meaning allowed my students the opportunity to have some wonderful discussions.

  16. TW

    The Wise Owl  

    This is a perfect way to work on this very difficult skill. My kids loved it!!!

  17. AF

    April F

    Great activity.

  18. AE

    Anne E

    My students loved these. Made lesson planning super easy!

  19. CW

    Cheryl W

    Great resource! Can’t wait to use it!

  20. S4

    Speechy 4

    Great resource, just in time for bavk to school, thank you.

  21. RH

    Robin H

    Great stuff

  22. SW

    Shirley Wade 

    Just what I needed.

  23. LB

    LeeAnn B

    good follow up activity

  24. PP

    Pamela P

    This is a difficult concept to understand, especially for second language learners. Much thanks!

  25. AB

    Amanda B

    Nice resource!

  26. AF

    Amy F

    This was super challenging for my students but led to great discussion and a teachable moment about dictionaries.

  27. CC

    Caitlin’s Creative Classroom 

    This had some great vocabulary words in it. Some were a bit hard for my 3rd graders, but they all walked away having learned some new words! Awesome resource!

  28. TS

    Tiana Snyder 

    Just what I needed for this!

  29. SL

    Shannon L

    These task cards were PERFECT. Most shades of meaning task cards have students use context clues, not these! I love how they have the students choose the perfect intensity based off the sentence. This was a quick way to check for understanding with my students.

  30. 3G

    3rd Grade Dreamers 

    These were a great center

  31. RS

    Ryanne S

    Great job!

  32. MI

    Michelle I

    This was just the challenge my class needed!

  33. NK

    Natalie Knoke 

    My kids loved doing this activity!

  34. LA

    Laura A

    very clear and concise! Thanks for a great resource!

  35. CC

    Camacho’s Corner 

    These look like a good review that will be great for centers.

  36. LE

    Lauren E

    These are a great resource, thank you!

  37. LA

    LaVae A

    I am going to start off my lesson with these!

  38. DB

    Debbie B

    Very effective and easy for students to use

  39. AL

    Alicia L

    This worked wonders with my class, they had a lot of fun doing this lesson and they really enjoyed it too.

  40. JJ

    Jillian J

    Fun for “if you finish,” centers, review, or partner work.

  41. EH

    Emily H

    Great resource! Thank you!

  42. KM

    Kimberly M

    The kids loved this! Thanks so much!

  43. KH

    Kelly H


  44. SG

    Savannah G

    This has been a great resource!

  45. NA

    Nazira A

    One of my top 2 favorite sellers for Language Arts unit. Absolutely loved these cards, I really appreciate you taking the time to ALWAYS include definition / explanation & examples pages in the beginning of each unit ! That is a great benefit : )

  46. JC

    Julie C

    The task cards can lead to some great discussion with children justifying their answers.

  47. PE

    Patricia E

    Great resource to have for a difficult topic!

  48. LM

    LoisAnn Murphy 

    Loved this resource for centers! Thank you!

  49. SO

    Style Organize Teach 

    Thank you!!! Definitely following

  50. SC

    Sheri C

    Loove this resource, thanks so much!

  51. GL

    Gwen L

    This resource is great! I was able to leave it for my sub one day and he was able to follow it with ease and the kids were able to pick up on the lessons 🙂 Thank you!

  52. AE

    Annie E

    I have had a hard time finding resources to teach and practice shades of meaning. I was so happy to come across this. It is perfect!

  53. MJ

    Marissa Jimenez 

    Great resource, thanks!

  54. NM

    Nikol M

    Thank you for sharing! This is a great resource!

  55. JV

    Jerioth V

    This was a great challenge for a high group of 2nd grade students.

  56. BC

    Brenda C

    Looking forward to doing this in my guided reading group.

  57. KF

    Kathy F

    I love to use this with my 4th and 5th graders. Great for small group work.

  58. KO

    Kerry O


  59. JB

    Joyce B

    These cards are very comprehensive, provide excellent review and the students love them!

  60. KK

    Kristin Klavas 

    Great for my centers!

  61. MH

    Maggie H

    Fun! Thanks!

  62. MS

    Marcia S

    Love it

  63. SR

    Sandra R


  64. CM

    Catherine M

    I was thrilled when I found this package – this was one of those skills that I was struggling with how to teach – the title gets at the heart of it perfectly – it’s about shades of meaning! Thanks for the on-target materials!

  65. KG

    Katharine Green 

    Great practice for teaching students to choose the appropriate word to convey meaning!

  66. TB

    Trisha B

    These are wonderful!

  67. SA

    Sarah A

    WAYYYYYY helpful!

  68. JM

    Julie M

    I wanted to use this before I had a chance to make up the cards. I ended up projecting the cards and having my 3rd graders write their answers on dry erase boards. We had some good discussions about the nuances of words!

  69. BY

    Brittney Y

    Love these cards 🙂

  70. AR

    Ann R

    great resource!

  71. TB

    Tara B

    This came in handy during our EOG review last year. Love it!

  72. SJ

    Susan Johansen 

    Good resource

  73. FI

    Fabulous in 4th Grade 

    This worked great in my class! Such a great product.

  74. EB

    Elizabeth B

    Love these task cards! Perfect for my students and enjoyable.

  75. CC

    Cartwright Creations 

    thank you!

  76. KJ

    Katharine Jamerson 

    So cute!! Kids loved it! Thanks!!

  77. TT

    Teaching to the Moon 

    Thank you!

  78. DK

    Dave K

    Wonderful resource!

  79. SW

    Sarah W

    This is great. It is great practice for shades of meaning.

  80. M


    Thanks for such a useful resource 🙂

  81. SP

    Sara P

    Use these frequently.

  82. KO

    Kristi O


  83. AH

    Amber H


  84. MD

    Michelle D

    So helpful…a great resource for my classroom!

  85. AT

    Angela Tauer 

    Great resource, thank you!

  86. JS

    Jane S

    I loved these. They are perfect.

  87. SB

    Sara Baldwin 

    Can’t wait to use this! Thank you!

  88. MG

    Michelle Goodner 

    can’t wait to use this!

  89. CD

    Carla D

    I love the variety of questions.

  90. AW

    Amanda W

    Great for centers

  91. SI

    Sun in the Classroom  

    Great resource.

  92. ST

    Sharhonda T

    Great Resource!

  93. AW

    Alisha W

    Great resource! Thank you!

  94. HX

    Houa X

    These worked great with my ELs. Thanks!

  95. SA

    Supply Account 3

    Love this!!!

  96. PE

    Peaceful Easy Teaching 

    This is a great resource for the classroom.

  97. TL

    Tiffany L

    A great resource to have! Thank you!

  98. PM

    Paola Malinoski 

    The students really enjoyed using these cards as a quick way to practice/review shades of meaning!

  99. BH

    Britney H

    Very engaging and my students love the activities! Thanks!

  100. MD

    Marcie D


  101. JF

    Jeanette F

    Love this resource! Thank you!

  102. PG

    Patricia G


  103. DE

    Dana E

    This is a great activity for my sub tub!

  104. JS

    Jenny S

    Awesome resource!

  105. RM

    Robin M


  106. JT

    Joyful Teaching and Learning 


  107. CS

    Cindy S

    Terrific resource!

  108. P


    I cut these apart and used them almost as a game, and the students really enjoyed it. The questions and answers are very well done.

  109. KW

    Kimberly Wilson 

    This is a great resource for teaching Shades of Meaning.

  110. JC

    Jennifer C

    I use this with my tier 2 students for vocabulary & reading.

  111. NO

    Nicole O

    Thank you!

  112. CF

    Christy F

    I love using task cards for Scoot or scavenger hunts around the room to get kids up and moving. These were a great set to complement my chapter on adjectives!

  113. GL

    Guillermo L

    I always like Task cards and these were great! My kids like to walk around and work. They also were good to use with the Kagan Strategy Show Down.

  114. LW

    Luba W

    Thanks for the resource

  115. AA

    Amanda A

    Shades of Meaning has already been difficult for me to teach. This resource was great to do in small group centers with the teacher. The students really seemed to grasp the concept of weak words to strong words. They were also able to make the connection with synonyms.

  116. JL

    Jodi L

    Used this for after school tutoring!

  117. LB

    Lindsay B

    Perfect center activity! This really challenged my advanced students. Thank you!

  118. KF

    keyshonara F

    Awesome resource!

  119. SA



  120. AU

    Anita Unzueta 

    great resource

  121. DP

    Diane Perrault 

    Love this!

  122. NN

    Nikki Nolan 

    Great resource.

  123. DT

    drita T


  124. AW

    Ashley W

    This was a great way to explain the skill, and my kids caught on quickly.

  125. VC

    Vickie C

    I used these as a center. Students worked together on the cards.

  126. JK

    Jackie K

    This is a great resource for teaching word discrimination! My kids were completely engaged by this activity, and had great conversations defending their choices!

  127. MC

    Mary C

    Like it

  128. CH

    Cherish H

    This was a great resource!

  129. KW


    Great review for my kids. Thanks!

  130. TL

    Terri L

    This was a great resource to use with my virtual class to teach the standard.

  131. LS

    Lourdes S

    Great resource. Thank you

  132. MB

    Mrs B Kindergarten 

    Exactly what I was looking for. I now look in your store for all of my reading skills needs.

  133. AM

    Ashley M

    Great resource!

  134. MK

    Marlee K

    Thank you! Just what I was looking for!

  135. MN

    Monica N

    Great resource

  136. BR

    Beth Roos 

    Excellent anchor chart and the task cards were perfect for centers

  137. B-

    Beg – Borrow – Steal 

    Thanks for this resource!

  138. AY

    Anastasia Yung 

    Great resource!!

  139. LM

    Lindsey M

    Great for review practice.

  140. CJ

    Christine J

    This was an excellent way to practice synonyms and shades of meaning all while building vocabulary. thank you.

  141. CC

    Curls Coffee and Teaching 

    This is a wonderful resource that my students loved!

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