Character Traits Activities: Word Lists, Task Cards, and Worksheets


47 reviews

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 59 PDF pages + Google Option(s)

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    Character Traits Activities: Graphic Organizers, Posters, Task Cards, and Awards BUNDLE

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Character Traits Activities: Word Lists, Task Cards, and Worksheets

Do you need character traits graphic organizers, lists, worksheets, and task cards? This character traits activity can be used throughout the entire school year. The word list posters can be displayed for student reference during any subject.

This character traits file includes the following:

  • Alphabetical character trait word poster lists with OVER 300 character traits (each letter of the alphabet is a half sheet except for w, x, y, and z). You can use these traits word lists on a word wall, bulletin board, or for student reference at a station or notebook.
  • 36 Character Traits Task Cards with three distinct question types (scenarios, synonyms, and antonyms)
  • An answer sheet
  • An answer key
  • Five worksheets for use with any story or writing activity (includes Character Trait Web, Character Creation, Character Comparison, Character Trait of the Day, and Character Study)


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

This PDF file contains 59 pages + Google Slides and Google Forms.

47 reviews for Character Traits Activities: Word Lists, Task Cards, and Worksheets

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  1. LD

    Loryn D

    I was disappointed in the “36 task cards.” I thought they would all be like the task cards in the preview, which is what I wanted. Instead, only about a third of them were like the preview. The others asked for synonyms or antonyms of character traits.

  2. LD

    Loryn D

    I was disappointed in the “36 task cards.” I thought they would all be like the task cards in the preview, which is what I wanted. Instead, only about a third of them were like the preview. The others asked for synonyms or antonyms of character traits.

  3. SS

    Suzanne S


  4. AY

    Amy Y

    Very thorough list of character traits and it is very helpful for the kids to use as a reference! Great product! Thank you!

  5. CA

    Carrie A

    Excellent way to reinforce the character traits skills in my classroom.

  6. DK

    Danielle K

    My kids are learning new words and starting to apply them.

  7. AS

    Alycia S

    I turned the Alphabet cards into a booklet for the students to use as a “resource” when they were writing. So when they were trying to describe a character they could reference the cards for better traits. I also have the task cards as a game center.

  8. T


    Very useful resource!

  9. CI

    Cassee I

    Thank you!

  10. CA

    Christine A

    Can’t wait to start using this! Thanks so much!

  11. CA

    Christine A

    Can’t wait to start using this! Thanks so much!

  12. SS

    Susanna S

    Great resource, thank you!

  13. SH

    Susan H

    great graphics and colors. Can’t wait to use this with my third graders and ELLs

  14. MB

    Mary B

    Great for RtI. My kids loved it.

  15. CM

    Christine M

    Very thorough resource! Thank you!

  16. BK

    Brenna K

    Great resource!

  17. AH

    Averi Hudson 

    These are great! Thank you!

  18. EF

    Erin F

    I am an AIS reading teacher and focus a lot on character traits and changes with my third graders. This summer I planned on making an alphabet for the classroom using character traits. This resource saved me soooo much time! Thank you!

  19. BJ

    Betty J Collins 

    Love these character traits. Very helpful! Great resource!

  20. CH

    Connie H

    Character traits is one of the skills I start out with at the beginning of the year I can’t wait to use this with my third graders. Thanks so much!

  21. GV

    Gail V

    Love, love…more hundred/thousand dollar words. Great for vocabulary, too!

  22. MG


    Excellent resource!

  23. MM

    Melissa M


  24. KB

    Kathryn B

    very nice!

  25. DH

    Deanna Hooker 

    this has been very helpful to my class on learning character traits and this also expanded their vocabulary

  26. AA

    april atkins 

    Wonderful addition to my Character trait unit.

  27. CB

    Chantelle Bombardier 

    My students enjoy working with these task cards.
    The cards give them a lot of practice during our short 30 minute sessions. Very fair price!

  28. PM

    Paige M

    Thank you so much!

  29. SS

    Sallie S

    Very well done…love the alphabetical listing…so helpful

  30. AK

    Andrea Kier 

    Great resource

  31. SU

    Spicing Up Second 

    Love the product. Gave my students many word choices to use in their writing.

  32. SB

    Sherrie B

    The task card are great reinforcers.

  33. JD

    Jennifer D


  34. MM

    Michelle M

    Really useful as a writing resource, even after the lessons on character traits.

  35. HA

    Heidi Alison P

    Love it!

  36. 3G

    3rd Grade Pineapples  

    Excellent resource, since it is for 3-6 the task cards are not fit for all my students but I can absolutely use them to challenge my higher kiddos! The posters are an awesome resource as well!

  37. TC

    Tammy C

    love it

  38. SG

    Stephanie G

    Used as a booklet – worked wonders!

  39. MP

    Miss Purple Pineapple 

    Awesome! Thank you!!

  40. KM

    Katherine MacIver 

    This is going to work great with my students. Thank you!

  41. JB

    Julie B

    Loved it! Great for building vocabulary.

  42. KN

    Keri N

    so useful

  43. AF

    Apples for Primary 

    Thank you

  44. DD

    Digital Dynamo 

    Great resource.

  45. AB

    Abby B

    Thank you for the resource!

  46. LC

    Lisa C

    Love these character trait lists. So useful in different ways.

  47. MD

    Marissa D

    The task cards really helped my students apply the skill in context.

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