Latin and Greek Roots Word Lists, Quizzes, and Tests (PART TWO):
This Greek and Latin roots and stems file includes weekly lists (10 words on each list for eight weeks), mid-week matching quizzes, and end-of-week tests (which are progressive and include stems from prior weeks).
The test at the end of each week has 20 questions (except the first week only has ten because there isn’t an established pool to pull additional parts yet). For the ninth week, there is a final test with all 80 roots.
Since each week builds on the previous week, the retention of information remains high. My students will keep a ring with the stems and roots flashcards in their desks/backpacks and will add ten new stems each week so that they can study ALL the Latin and Greek stems and roots each week, not just the new ones for that week.
This file is the Second UNIT (a total of NINE weeks).
Why should students learn to use Latin and Greek stems and roots?
- It is part of the standards (for vocabulary)
- Latin makes unknown English words more accessible
- Children who have studied Latin score higher on standardized tests, including SAT, ACT, M-CAT
- It gives children a set of terms to help them unlock unknown words by using word parts
- Studying common Latin stems helps children with math and science vocabulary
This PDF file contains 59 pages + Google Slides™.
Tiffany Hunter –
Thank you! This was very useful!