Point of View Sorting Activity with Anchor Charts


212 reviews
Grade Levels: , File Formats: ,

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 35 PDF pages + Google Slides

Also included in:

  • point-of-view-activities-2nd-grade

    Point of View Activities: Worksheets, Task Cards, and Sorting Activity BUNDLE

    Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $12.00.Add to cart


Point of View Sorting Activity and Anchor Charts:

This point of view sort focuses on first person, second person, and third person point of view. It was created for 2nd and 3rd grade students who need point of view practice.

This sorting activity includes:

  • Three instructional pages for students
  • One explanation page for the teacher
  • Three point-of-view heading pages for the student sort activity (headings include first-person point of view, second-person point of view, and third-person point of view)
  • 36 sorting cards (1/2 page each)
  • An answer key


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

This PDF file contains 35 pages + Google Slides™.

212 reviews for Point of View Sorting Activity with Anchor Charts

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Showing 198 of 212 reviews (5 star). See all 212 reviews
  1. CR

    Cara R

    This is exactly what I needed. Thank you!

  2. BG

    Brynn G

    Love these! Thanks!

  3. TM

    Teresa M

    Can’t wait to use this to teach my lesson on point of view!

  4. AL

    Amy L

    Love it! Thanks!

  5. SV

    Shawn V


  6. MN

    Mirna N

    Nothing like a game to get the kids learning.

  7. AH

    Ashley Heisterkamp 

    Awesome! Loved this lesson!

  8. LH

    Lisa H

    I plan to use these in a center next week. Thanks!

  9. DS

    Dawn S

    Great resource for small groups!

  10. TM

    Team Marlow 


  11. 1G

    1st Grade is WienerFUL 

    Awesome Sauce!!!!! I love your store! :o)

  12. LT

    Lisa T

    i love this~!

  13. DE

    Dana Evans 

    Great sorting activity! This really helped my kids understand point of view.

  14. LC

    Lisa C

    Love this! It was great to have short examples of each point of view. Great individual and whole class activity!

  15. JL

    Judy L

    Great resource!!!

  16. AS

    Anne S

    Very helpful to teach with.

  17. DB

    Diane B

    Very much enjoyed this!

  18. LW

    Learning with Ms Polk 

    Perfect activity!

  19. RB

    Ruth B S

    Love, Love, Love it!

  20. IG

    Ida G


  21. ES

    Erin S

    Looking forward to using this for centers

  22. TR

    Theresa Robinson 


  23. KK

    Kasey K

    Thank You!! My Students Will Love This 🙂

  24. PM

    Patty M

    Helpful product

  25. RF

    Rebecca F

    Very difficult to teach second graders this skill. Your resource definitely helped. Thanks

  26. KF

    Kimberly feehan 

    thank you.

  27. MK

    Madalyn Knotts 

    My students loved this sort! It was a great way to reinforce a skill they already learned!

  28. B


    Exactly what I was looking for, can’t wait to use it next week!

  29. AD

    Annette D


  30. KL

    Katie L

    great product

  31. ST

    Sara terry 

    Good tool.

  32. JW

    Jody Wong 

    Great intro to skill! Thanks!

  33. LP


    Thank you so much for the work you’ve done and your expertise! Very helpful to me and my students!

  34. PM

    patricia M

    Thank you for your work…

  35. BA

    Betsy A

    Perfect for independent workshops!

  36. PW

    Page W

    Fun Learning!

  37. MM

    Melissa M

    Great job!

  38. DB

    Daniella B

    The enjoyed cutting these out and putting them in the reading journals!

  39. JS

    Jennifer S

    Awesome! Love this!! 🙂

  40. CB

    Cindi Bocken 

    Our team of 9 teachers love this!

  41. SG

    San G

    Thank you so much, this is so helpful.

  42. TL

    The Lovely Peach  

    Love this product for students who are struggling with point of view!

  43. TT

    tracey T

    Great visuals for my EL’s! Thanks!

  44. CS

    Christopher S

    Great activity! Thank you.

  45. HR

    Holly R

    THis is so helpful! Thanks!

  46. DC

    Devon Cantrell 

    Thank you! This was exactly what I needed for my small group session!

  47. MC

    Michelle C

    Good activity!

  48. CK

    Caroline K

    Kids loved the cards – thank you so much for creating for all of us.

  49. 2G

    2nd Grade Dragons 

    Just what I needed.

  50. M


    Very nice. Love the explanations–easy for kids to understand the difference between points of view.

  51. CS

    Constance S

    It is tough to find point of view products for third graders who are struggling readers. Thank you for your hard work. I appreciate it.

  52. MS

    Miranda S

    Loved this activity! Thanks!

  53. KW

    Kimberly W

    Loved it..a great resource

  54. CH

    christine H

    Well done! Very easy to use!

  55. MS

    Marcia St Hill 

    Great resource! Thanks

  56. CW

    Carolyn W

    Used this several times.

  57. MO

    Melissa O

    very useful!

  58. AH

    Ashli H

    Loved this!

  59. HS

    Holly’s Store 

    Excellent for test prep! My students loved this!

  60. SB

    Shawna B

    Students had fun learning with this resource!

  61. AR

    Ann R

    Just what I needed for my lesson. Great!!!

  62. MH

    Michelle H

    Very helpful!!

  63. NA

    Nazira A

    One of my top 2 favorite sellers for Language Arts unit. Absolutely loved these cards, I really appreciate you taking the time to ALWAYS include definition / explanation & examples pages in the beginning of each unit ! That is a great benefit : )

  64. KB

    Karyn B

    Perfect! Thanks!

  65. PC

    Peacock’s Colorful Resources 

    Loved it!

  66. LK

    Laura K

    Nice, I like it!

  67. NM

    Nancy M

    This was just what I was looking for! Thank you so much!

  68. FT

    For the Love of Learning with Melissa 

    love it thank you

  69. MG

    Melissa Gergen 

    This was a perfect activity to reinforce point of view with my third graders!

  70. AC

    ABC Classroom  

    Great set, thank you!

  71. JH

    Jacquia H

    Great sorting activity!

  72. MB

    Maria B

    Great resource. Students love it!

  73. MB

    Melissa B

    Great resource for POV!

  74. KL

    Kimberly L

    I use these a lot, they’re wonderful. Thanks

  75. ED

    Every Day in Third Grade 

    This was wonderful! A nice addition would be posters with clue words for each point of view written on them.

  76. EB

    Ebony B

    Such a favorite for my kids when we do point of view!

  77. WC

    William C

    Thank you so much for this amazing resource!

  78. IK

    I’m Krazy for Kinders 

    So helpful! Thank you!

  79. DM

    Donna M

    I am very pleased with everything I purchased from your store! Thank you for creative, colorful, USEFUL resources!:)

  80. JJ

    Jackson’s Jungle 


  81. TG

    Tracey G

    Thanks! Looking forward to using these with my kiddos!

  82. GR

    Gloria R

    This is a great resource for teaching 5th grade. There aren’t many resources for this skill. Thanks so much!

  83. DL

    dara L

    This is a great resource we used all year. The posters students referred to over and over again. They are only second graders learning a difficult skill. I used with my annual review.

  84. CR

    Christina R

    These are visually fun, which makes the kids more excited to use them!

  85. ES

    Elise S

    Wasn’t able to use because of a program change but cannot wait to pull them out! Love the concept and the layout of the materials.

  86. FG

    First Grade in Nola 

    Looking forward to using this with my students 🙂

  87. KO

    Kaitlyn O

    Played this as a “four corners” game with my second graders and they loved it! Great way to review and assess their understanding of point of view!

  88. EF

    Eva Fogt 


  89. SM

    Stephanie M

    My students loved doing this!

  90. SP

    Stacy P

    very useful

  91. LP

    Laurie P

    Awesome resource. Thank you!

  92. CS

    crystal S

    fun practice and station work

  93. CJ

    Christana J


  94. MB

    Melody B

    Kinesthetic way of teaching point of view

  95. SW

    Sara W

    The kiddos love playing this as a game.

  96. DG

    Donna G

    Excellent! Just what I needed!

  97. KB

    Kimberly Bowlsbey 

    Great product, thanks!

  98. TL

    tonya L


  99. PN

    pamela Niglio 

    These were a great help in teaching point of view. I printed them on cardstock and laminated so I can re-use them again.

  100. AM

    Ashley M

    Wonderful center activity, and I love the anchor charts! Thanks!

  101. HM

    Hollie M


  102. LN

    Lindsey Nicholas 

    Great Center Activity

  103. TI

    Teaching in a Dry Heat 


  104. PA

    Pineapples and Preschool 

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

  105. CW

    Chanel W

    My Kids were beyond ENGAGED

  106. AG

    Alex G

    My students really enjoyed this sort. They had fun “racing” each other in centers.

  107. ET

    ENL Teacher T

    very helpful

  108. CD

    Carol D

    Good way to introduce point of view.

  109. SA

    Staci Armezzani 

    This makes such a hard concept so much easier to understand! So fun! Thanks!

  110. CR

    Christine Roark 

    A fun and engaging way to teach a rather difficult concept for some. Thank you!

  111. KB

    Katie B

    Great task cards!

  112. EA

    Elizabeth A

    Great for centers!

  113. SA

    Sarah A

    Great product!

  114. KH

    Kimberly H

    Fabulous! Thanks!

  115. KD

    Kristen D

    Great center activity. Thanks.

  116. TM

    Taylor M

    Very helpful!

  117. JY

    Jamie Y

    Thank you! 🙂

  118. DP


    Great POV. Students scored very high on assessment.

  119. KM

    Karen M

    This has been a great resrouce for practing point of view.

  120. LP

    Lindsay P

    Great to use when introducing point of view. Worked great as a student lead activity.

  121. DC

    Dana C

    Thank you. I was looking for a cute reinforcement center and this was perfect!!

  122. JR

    Jaclyn R

    Great for centers. The students really enjoyed learning point of view with this resource.

  123. RW

    Rhonda W

    Thanks for a great activity

  124. KW

    Kayla W

    Great product! Thank you!

  125. BB

    Brilliant Bunch 

    Great for my students who are struggling!

  126. CK

    Courtney K

    My students enjoyed this activity!

  127. KC

    Kami C

    Great engaging activity. Students really enjoyed and learned a lot.

  128. DS

    DeAnn Schmiesing 

    I put each of the task cards in a page protector and set half of them around the room. Each student took a clipboard and their answer sheet and walked around the room, read the task card, and marked their answer on the correct number. I did the other half the next day. They loved moving around the room! I loved the resource!

  129. LB

    Lisa B

    Great for centers!!

  130. AA

    Autumn A

    Great Resource! Thank You!

  131. AW

    Amanda W

    Great hands on activity!

  132. EP

    Ehren P

    Great for small group practice!

  133. SS

    Stephanie S

    great resource

  134. CL

    Carrie L

    Awesome resource!!

  135. AC

    Alexandria C

    This was a great tool for point of view lesson!

  136. BJ

    Brandi J

    great for a center

  137. KH

    Katie H

    Love it!

  138. CT

    Carol Tarver 

    Great for center work.

  139. EM

    Erin M


  140. SO

    Suzannah Ogden 

    This was a great and easy introduction to Point of view. The kids TOTALLY got it with this!

  141. MS

    Marilyn Smith 

    My kids found this fun and very engaging.

  142. RH

    Rebecca H

    This helped make things very clear for my kids. Thank you so much!

  143. SN

    Sarah N

    Easy to use.

  144. SJ

    Samantha Jensen 

    Great activity!

  145. AA

    Alice A T

    Just what I was looking for!!

  146. GS

    Gale S

    Great Resource.

  147. BT

    Bonnie T

    Everything is ready to use.

  148. CH

    Chaley H

    Thanks! These were great and easy to use! Some really made the kids think!

  149. TG

    Tyneisha G


  150. TO

    Tasha O

    Perfect review for my students!

  151. AP

    Ashley P

    Just what I was looking for!

  152. KL

    Katy L

    Student favorite!

  153. EC

    Emily Cooper 

    These were great!!!! Gave the students lots of examples!!!

  154. LS

    Lisa S

    I used this in my 3rd grade classroom as a supplement to our POV lesson. I pulled them up on the Whiteboard and we took turns answering what POV each was written in. Great 5 minute review and warm up for the lesson.

  155. PP

    Primary Printables From Room 214  

    Great for small groups!

  156. TS

    Tracey S

    Love it!

  157. AL

    Ashley L

    thank you

  158. NM

    Nicole M

    Great sort. My kids love it!

  159. CT

    Crystalyn T

    This is a quality product.

  160. SM

    shelly M

    This is a great resource

  161. TK

    Tristan K

    This was such great practice for my students, really helped to concrete the different points of view.

  162. G3

    Grade 3 with Crabtree 

    Great resource thank you!

  163. EC

    Elsie C

    good activity

  164. EW

    Emily W

    Fun ELA center game!

  165. LG

    Lindsay G

    love it

  166. MC

    Math Coach Montague 

    This, like many task card activities, allows the student to practice the concept in bite-size phrases before expanding their knowledge to a larger paragraph or more complex text.

  167. GP

    Genevieve P

    Great resource!

  168. AV

    Aneka Verdin Zaeem 


  169. PC

    Paula C

    Can’t wait to use this. Looks fantastic.

  170. AC

    Amanda C

    Great practice! Thank you!

  171. KP

    Kaley P


  172. JH

    Jenny Hoss 

    Thank you!

  173. GO

    Gail O

    Students loved! Thank you.

  174. JT

    Joan T

    This was lots of fun! Thank you!

  175. RV

    Rebecca V

    Awesome activity – thanks!

  176. JW

    Jenepher W

    Awesome resource!

  177. CV

    Chelsea Velez 

    Loved this! can be used whole class, small group, or individually

  178. BL

    Betty L


  179. LF

    Linda Frye 

    Used with partners and small groups for review. Great!

  180. AD

    Alyssa D

    good partner sort game

  181. KK

    Kathryn K


  182. JC

    Joy C

    I match my tutoring with the in class lesson plans and this was right on target, thank you!

  183. HS

    Heather S

    Fun group activity!

  184. DH

    Dara H

    Very easy for the student to use as an interactive.

  185. LA

    Lucas Apfelbeck 


  186. MM

    michelle M

    great resourse, really helped my kids understand the concept

  187. JT

    Jeanette T

    Point of view is usually hard for the kids to grasp but these slides helped a lot.

  188. ET

    Emma T

    Such great activities for my students during distance learning. Easy to use. My students were very engaged.

  189. CM

    Cassidy M

    My students thought these were so fun!

  190. LF

    Lisa F

    This was a great, easy-to-use resource! Thank you!!

  191. CB

    Carlie Brown 

    A great formative assessment!! students loved it!

  192. LD

    Laura Depp 

    I was looking for something new and engaging to review point of view, and this resource was perfect!

  193. CA

    cheryl A

    great resource

  194. LL

    LaLa Land Of Learning  

    Loved it! Thanks!

  195. SN

    Staci N

    Great resource, thank you!

  196. WP

    Wendy P

    Great resource!

  197. B3

    BuyerApril 3, 2016

    Thanks so much!

  198. B1

    BuyerApril 12, 2015

    Great product! Thanks!

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