
Synonyms and Antonyms Anchor Charts and Task Cards Activities

Original price was: $6.75.Current price is: $5.95.

377 reviews
Grade Levels: , , File Formats: ,

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 41 PDF pages + Google Options


Synonyms and Antonyms Task Cards and Anchor Charts Activities with a Digital Option:

This standards-aligned synonyms and antonyms activity is perfect for 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students (though some 3rd-grade students may be able to use it with help) and contains:

  • 48 task cards (24 synonym cards and 24 antonym cards with two distinct questions types for each)
  • An answer sheet
  • An answer key
  • One printable for synonyms
  • One printable for antonyms
  • Answer keys for each printable
  • Digital options in Google Slides AND Google Forms

Please note that the instructions for the task cards allow students to use reference sources such as a dictionary or thesaurus (as indicated in the common core).


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

This PDF file contains 41 pages + Google Slides™ and Google Forms™.

377 reviews for Synonyms and Antonyms Anchor Charts and Task Cards Activities

Based on 377 reviews
Showing 319 of 377 reviews (5 star). See all 377 reviews
  1. RP

    Robin P

    This made a wonderful center for my children. It was very engaging and with very little prep. Thank you for your time and talent in providing this activity.

  2. WL

    Wendy L

    This is a huge packet of cards. I love the variety of vocabulary and the multiple formats used to question the content.

  3. JT

    Jayla Teel 

    Fun and challenging! Great set of task cards!

  4. RD

    Rebecca D

    This is just what I need for my ELLs. Thank you!

  5. SW

    Shop with Sarah 

    Wonderful product! I love how the format was simple enough for all students to process easily, but the rigor was there with higher level vocabulary. I had many students reaching for a dictionary to look up unknown words!

  6. LH

    Linda Hall 

    This product is perfect for my fourth graders! They had to work hard to complete it, and they learned a lot of new vocabulary! Thank you for this excellent product!

  7. KB

    Kelly B

    Great job 🙂

  8. SR

    Sharon R

    This allowed the students to be creative and for me to assess their understanding with the task cards. Great resource.

  9. KB

    Katherine B

    Awesome! Thanks!

  10. LK

    Laura K

    Great way to review!

  11. JL

    Julie L

    Wonderful product!

  12. MJ

    Margaret Jenkins 

    I used these with my Reading groups and my students really enjoyed them! They were easy to use! Awesome resource!

  13. SB

    Stephanie B

    A wonderful resource!

  14. SL

    Samantha L 

    awesome 🙂

  15. ML

    melanie loverde 

    My students love these! Great resource!

  16. SH

    Sunni H

    Very cute

  17. JL

    Julia L

    This is a very helpful resource! Thanks!

  18. MD

    martha D

    Great Resource! Thank you for Sharing!

  19. SS

    Sparkly Speech Girl 

    Great packet! Very useful in my speech room. thank you!

  20. TS

    That Science Girl  

    Easy to use and perfect for building vocabulary as well! Awesome resource 🙂

  21. SA

    Sarah A

    We love task cards in our classroom!

  22. MW

    Martesa W

    Wow, I didn’t realize how many activities this included! I love how there’s the context sentences and multiple choices. Thanks!

  23. LA

    Leonard A


  24. JP

    Jennifer P

    Thanks for a fresh lesson, it went a long way helping teach the concept and have fun!

  25. EM

    Elizabeth M

    Love this!!

  26. SK

    Sondra K

    I am enjoying using this! Thanks!

  27. SS

    scott S

    Awesome resource!!

  28. MD

    Miranda D

    Great product!

  29. WT

    Wendy T


  30. UM

    Ummulkhayr M

    Very handy!

  31. MS

    Missy S

    love it

  32. AW

    Aleesha W

    Love it, thank you!

  33. AA

    Anchors Away Resources  

    Great resource! I used this as a centre during Literacy.

  34. BS

    Bilingual Speechie  

    I been using this every week! it’s great!

  35. PH

    Patricia H


  36. LF

    Love From Miss H 

    Great practice for my students – thank you!

  37. CI

    Collaborating in 5th  

    This is great thank you!

  38. LB

    Lyndsay B


  39. KM

    Kellie M

    I enjoyed using it. Thanks.

  40. AV

    Ali V

    This is a great center. It is easy to use and my second graders who finish their work early like to work on this. Thank you for sharing this on TPT.

  41. F


    Thanks for sharing this great resource!

  42. BM

    Brittany M

    The multiple choice options were very helpful for my students

  43. MA

    Misty A

    Great for literacy centers.

  44. DB

    Daily B

    I used these for a Scoot, and my students loved them! Thank you!

  45. DS

    Denice S

    I love the print and go! Great for older students working on a variety of vocabulary.

  46. CG

    Corina G

    I love this resource! Super easy to use and my students have enjoyed using them.

  47. RW

    Roy W

    I put these task cards at my Language Arts centre. Thanks for putting it together.

  48. NS

    Natalie S

    Great for word work centers!

  49. CT

    Connie T

    Thank You!!!

  50. MC

    Mrs Coble in FIFTH 

    Super cute!

  51. AF

    Ann F

    This is great! Thanks

  52. SC

    Shundra C

    Great resource!!

  53. KS

    Katherine Shinsato 

    These task cards were very handy for my 5th graders. It was a good tool to have my students who need that vocabulary help, so I can work with them in small group on word meanings and not just the synonyms/antonyms.

  54. EJ

    Elizabeth J

    Such a fun and engaging activity! My students love it!

  55. TW

    Tawny Webb 

    Great for independent practice

  56. SO

    Shannon O

    Really good resource!

  57. CS

    Cheyenne S

    Simple, quick, perfect!

  58. JP

    Julia P


  59. MO

    March of the Penguins 

    I am using this resource for word work. I was pleased with the quantity of words to use for synonyms and antonyms. Thank you!

  60. HN

    Hilary N

    We used this in our synonym/antonym lesson, and we’re using them again for test prep. You just can’t be the vocabulary in these task cards!

    Thank you!

  61. JH

    Julia H

    My students love this. It’s fun for them and easy for me to pull out and have ready to use for review.

  62. TJ

    Tammy J

    used these in centers this week. wonderful and challenging!

  63. SM

    Stephanie M

    used this for a group review/game….kids had so much fun!

  64. BH

    Brinn H

    Great for centers.

  65. KV

    Kelly V


  66. FA

    Faith A

    Thank you for sharing this!

  67. JF

    Jennifer F

    Great Resource for learning new vocabulary words.

  68. FW

    Fabulous with Firsties 

    Just what I needed – thanks!

  69. KR

    Karen R


  70. TS

    Tiffany S

    My scholars love these in small groups!

  71. CA

    Class Act Teaching Products 


  72. AM

    Alison M J

    This was a great resource to use for my higher level 3rd graders!

  73. AW

    Adventures with ELLs 

    This is great in centers!

  74. LB

    Lyla Badawi 

    great resources for support with the book!

  75. AC

    Andrea C

    Great assessment tool….I can see immediately who has mastered the concept and who still needs support.

  76. LG

    Lisa G

    Thank you!!

  77. F2

    First 2 Fourth 

    Great resource! Awesome for review during stations.

  78. KK

    Kimberley K


  79. MM

    Moira M

    Great resource for my second graders! Thank you!

  80. VS

    Virginia S

    I am using this with 6-7th grade clients with language-based learning disabilities. I’m using the multiple choice first section as a baseline informal measurement. Very nice product!

  81. BJ

    Beth Johnson 

    Some were a bit confusing to my students but they were a good resource overall.

  82. SS

    stephanie S

    I used these as a small group rotation with my fourth graders during the beginning of the school year. Some of the words were unfamiliar to them, so they were allowed to look the definitions up to determine the best synonym/antonym. They really enjoyed the activity and it will be used again!!

  83. SM

    Shealey M

    Loved this resource!

  84. CP

    christy padilla 

    I haven’t used them yet but I can’t wait! They’re very pretty.

  85. RB

    Rachel B

    great for centers!

  86. CB

    Carley Basteri 

    Great product. Thank you

  87. CH

    Carla H

    Great center activity or individual assignment

  88. DM

    Danielle M

    Loved this as a center activity!

  89. KD

    Katie Doggett 

    A lot of options for my students to select from and really master the strategy!

  90. CO

    Carol Olson 

    Very easy to implement with a variety of levels of students in language therapy.

  91. CF

    Courtney F

    Great resource to review/warm up for synonyms and antonyms; laminated these, hold punched them, and put them on a spiral ring for easy access.

  92. EP

    Emily P

    Love it!!

  93. SS

    Stay Sharp Teaching Resources – Mary Beth Fitts 

    Great resource, thanks for sharing!

  94. AS

    Amber S

    Love having multiple choice options! Save me time since I did not need to come up with/look up words on my own. Thanks!

  95. FS

    Frazier Special Ed 

    This activity has been working really well at my vocabulary station in my 5-6th special education classroom!

  96. NF

    Nadine Finnefrock 

    Great resource and materials to challenge my students. Thank you!

  97. LW

    Lauren W

    Love this for my middle schoolers! Good variety of words that challenges them just enough! Presentation is really nice so working in a small group everyone can see the activity .

  98. JS

    Jordan S

    Thank you!

  99. NM

    Nikki M

    It is very well made and great practice.

  100. HS

    Heather S

    Great idea!!

  101. LS

    L Starett 

    Great for stations

  102. DG

    Deena G

    Very helpful resource! Thanks

  103. TT

    Taylor T

    Great resource! thanks!

  104. RB

    Rebecca B

    I use task cards regularly, and these were great. Thank you.

  105. CM

    Celia M

    Awesome for center work. Thank you.

  106. P


    Great resource, my class loved it!

  107. IC

    Inocencio C


  108. MT

    Melissa T

    I’m so excited to use this in our next unit! Thanks!

  109. CO

    Crystal O

    Great task cards, thanks!

  110. MS

    Mrs Slack’s Super Kindergarten 

    just what i needed

  111. MM

    Margaret M

    Great resource for students who need more help with synonyms and antonyms. Helps increase student vocabulary.

  112. MH

    Miss Hunter Teaches 

    Wonderful as always! Grateful for your work!

  113. KS

    Knopp’s Speech Nook 

    Love this resource just noticed there were a couple repeat options/answers. It was good practice for my students though!

  114. RR

    robertha R

    Easy to use and grade appropriate.

  115. SD

    Samantha D

    Great Product

  116. EA

    Erica A

    Great resource, thank you!

  117. SY

    SELebrate YOU 

    So well done! Thank you!

  118. TL

    Teach Love Leverenz 

    These were wonderful!

  119. ES

    Erin Sowinski 

    Love how many different skills in targets

  120. ES

    Everything Speech 

    Great activity!

  121. KK

    Katie K

    Thank you–this is great!

  122. MT

    Miss Trendy Teacher 

    Great resources!

  123. KL

    Kayla Legnini 

    Great resource! Thanks for sharing!!

  124. KR

    Keisha Rodriguez 

    Thank you for the great resource!!

  125. MM

    Margaret M

    Great resource! Good choice of vocabulary, and I like that my students have multiple contexts to practice the words.

  126. CT

    Caffeinate Then Teach 

    A great resource to use when you just need a quick review.

  127. T


    great resource!!

  128. JB

    Johnanna B

    Great review!

  129. RB

    Rachael Benefield 

    Used as an end of unit assessment and my children really loved being able to get up and move around to take a “test”.

  130. PC

    Patricia C

    Thanks. This is a perfect enrichment activity to use with both the whole class and my small guided reading group.

  131. CM

    Christine Majette 

    Makes DI easy.

  132. EB

    Erica B

    Wonderful resource

  133. LM

    LIZA M

    Thank you so much!

  134. LM

    Lisa M

    Amazing Resource!

  135. CA

    Corey A


  136. AH

    Ashley H

    An awesome resource to use when working on building vocabulary!

  137. KJ

    Kerry J

    Great resource, thank you for creating this

  138. BS

    Brittany S

    Great resource! This really helped deliver my lesson.

  139. PP

    Primary Pride 

    Was a fun review for the kids!

  140. KH

    Kelley H

    These are great!

  141. PW

    Paige’s Web 

    Nice activity.

  142. LM

    Lynn M

    Love task cards for reinforcing a topic. Synonyms and Antonyms are a prior knowledge that my 5th graders should have, but sometimes need a refresher. These are perfect.

  143. WR

    Wendance’s Resources 

    Great activities for developing language!

  144. RD

    Robyn D

    My students really enjoyed these! Thanks!

  145. DT

    Diana T

    These were great! I used them for for Quiz Quiz Trade. Kids had a blast!

  146. CM

    Cecile Miller 

    Great resource to review skills

  147. GL

    Gabrielle L

    This is amazing to use.

  148. BD

    Brianna D

    Love these task cards. Easy to use and pull out when I am need something fast.

  149. KV

    Kaitlyn V 

    Great resource for building vocabulary while working on synonyms and antonyms.

  150. SD

    Sophia D

    Great activity!

  151. KP

    Kristin P

    Great student review

  152. KG

    Keri G

    Easy to use in my classroom.

  153. BR

    Baylee R

    A fun, quick center in my classroom. Thanks! 🙂

  154. PI

    Patience is a virtue 

    This is awesome! My students love this! Thank you!

  155. EG

    Elsa G

    Thank you

  156. TI

    Third in Color 

    Good resource for workshop activities!

  157. LM

    Leticia M

    This is great!

  158. RM

    Riley M

    I love this resource! It provides so many different activities for this area, it is prep for weeks of therapy and the kids loved using it!

  159. SM

    Sandra McInnis 

    Great resource.

  160. BB

    Beach Bound Teacher 

    great for station work

  161. AG

    Amee G


  162. LA

    Lila A

    Great Review!

  163. AW

    Amber W

    Great! Thanks!

  164. A


    We loved it in my class! Fun times!

  165. KM

    Kleese M

    Great resource to use as a review.

  166. EB

    Elizabeth B

    Great way to teach these concepts. Thanks!

  167. ES

    Emily S

    I appreciate the more challenging words! This was really great for my 5th grade

  168. BB

    Bonnie B

    Such a great resource for practicing these skills. I love the visuals that come included. Great for scaffolding. Good resource for my 6-8 grade students targeting these concept.

  169. LK

    Lindsy K

    Great for Centers

  170. JB

    JoEllen B

    Excellent therapy material, my students love it. Thank-you!

  171. KM

    Kaitlin M

    Love this product!

  172. RK

    Roseann K

    Love using this in my special education class. very good resiurce

  173. MG

    Michele G

    love it!!!

  174. KG

    Kimberly G

    My clients really enjoyed using these! Thank you!

  175. LG

    Lauren G


  176. NM

    Nicole M

    Love it! Great addition to my synonyms and antonyms resources.

  177. AB

    Ashley Benoit -The Teacher’s Treasure Chest 


  178. KG

    Karen G

    Good resource!

  179. TV

    Tammie V

    A great review for my kids!!!

  180. BK

    Bonnie Kann 

    Simple format, rigorous vocabulary!

  181. MV

    Mandee Vice 

    Great resource!

  182. KK

    Kellie’s Koalas Coffee and Crayons 

    thank you

  183. LF

    Lessons for all 

    My students enjoyed using this during our morning work with distance learning. It is a great resource for all levels. My own daughter who is in 2nd grade enjoys doing the activities.

  184. BT

    Barbara T

    This resource is a must-have for distance learning!

  185. SC

    Shella C

    This resource made it so easy for me to provide an appropriate activity for a student with bilateral cochlear implants. The activities are engaging and interesting for her and she’s learning new concepts of language. She was excited about it and wanted to do more.

  186. JP

    Jennifer P

    Great easy to use resource for my students.

  187. ML

    Mari Lifländer 

    These have been really useful for review during distance learning.

  188. JM

    Jennifer M

    Used this for enrichment for some of my third graders. Was excellent to work on their vocabulary skills as well as synonyms and antonyms.

  189. SU

    Sherry U


  190. MH

    Mrs Hildwine’s Room 

    I used this as a screen share. My students and I discussed the words together. We read the sentences together. Good resource.

  191. TA

    Terri A

    I would not have even looked for this type of resource if we weren’t in distance learning mode, but it was a great activity that was engaging for students. I’ll be using it when we return to “traditional” learning!

  192. MA

    Michaela A

    I used this for state test assessment prep. The students were very engaged being a Saturday Morning test prep. I will continue to use it

  193. TC

    Tammy C

    Great distance learning activity to practice skills to meet IEP goals!

  194. AH

    Angela H

    Great Resource.

  195. DR

    Discover Reading 

    This resource was a great addition to my small group instruction with my reading intervention students.

  196. BS

    Bethany Self 

    Such a great resource!!!

  197. EK

    Elaine K

    Amazing to use as a review!!!

  198. GS

    Grade School Scholars 

    LOVE this resource and I cannot wait to use it this year with my new classroom! Very helpful! Used it as a center and the kids enjoyed it!

  199. TN

    Teacher Not In The Classroom 

    Great buy. I will be using these as we start online teaching. I love how they can be used online or in the school on paper.

  200. MO

    Mrs O Knows 

    An excellent resource! Thank you!

  201. AE

    Alicia E

    Great digital resource!

  202. JB

    Julia Barkley 

    Add this to the list of resources I love from Kirsten’s Kaboodle!! Thank you for this distance learning option!

  203. SM

    Sara M

    Between the task cards and the worksheets, students will get a lot of practice! The words chosen for practice are appropriate for upper elementary. Thanks for including a digital version!

  204. AK

    Amanda K

    These were a great resource to use especially with my English Language Learners during our summer program. It was easy to use with Google Classroom as well!

  205. LB

    Linda B

    My child really enjoyed this activity as a review.

  206. JN

    Jessica Nieves 

    Love this! Thank you!

  207. JM

    Jennifer M

    These provided a great way to practice this skill virtually.

  208. CE

    Chris Elliott in 4th 

    I’m excited to use these with my students!

  209. KG

    Kathie G

    In a different learning model (hopefully next year), I will certainly be using this when we focus on word choice as well as synonyms and antonyms. Thank you.

  210. TF

    Tori Fenton 

    so great to practice this skill

  211. JW

    jennifer W

    Very helpful!

  212. MO

    mary O

    loved it

  213. KD

    Kayla Davis 

    This was a fabulous resource for my students. Thank you so much!!

  214. HM

    Hello Miss B 


  215. HG

    Helena G

    great resource!

  216. TM

    The Maen Teacher 

    This product worked perfectly as a synchronous ELA lesson AND an asynchronous practice activity with my 4th graders! The anchor charts provided just enough content to fill a 20 minute, LIVE session but, because they are included as the 1st few slides of the file, my students referenced them frequently when completing the task cards on their own. TY for making remote teaching less stressful!

  217. BC

    Brea Corsaro 

    Great for centers

  218. JL

    Julie L


  219. CS

    Cecilia S

    My students loved the activities found in this resource!

  220. AG

    Abigail G

    I have used these for in-person therapy and I plan on using them for teletherapy, too! Great activities!

  221. KK

    Kriti K

    My students really enjoyed this, thank you!

  222. MB

    Mary B

    Worth the purchase and easy to use for myself and the children!

  223. NC

    Nichole C

    Thank you! So fun and easy.

  224. JR

    Jennifer R

    Great supplement for our language arts curriculum.

  225. AD

    Always Doin Something 

    Very helpful in reinforcing previously learned concepts. Thank you.

  226. MT

    Michelle T

    This has been a great supplement to our homeschool Language Arts program.

  227. MY

    Melody Y

    This was a great resource to use while doing distance learning.

  228. LW

    Laurelle Wright 

    Good resource. It would have been nice to have a non-task card option since this year it is difficult to use task cards. However, I made it work!

  229. BC

    Beth C

    Great easy resource to use with my students. Thank you

  230. AW

    Ashley W

    I was able to use this as a quiz show and it really helped my scholars!

  231. AR

    Alexander R

    This was great extra work to help my students.

  232. GG

    Gwendolyn G

    Great resource!! Easy to use and students remain engaged throughout activities. 🙂

  233. RH

    Rachel H

    nice designs

  234. KC

    Kelly C


  235. KL

    Kyle L

    This was very helpful in keeping the students engaged and helping them learn.

  236. VE

    Victoria E

    Good Resource!

  237. GW

    Gail W

    Great for teaching synonyms and antonyms. Students learn new words through practicing these. Thank you.

  238. KH

    Kylie H

    I used them as entrance tickets and the students loved it!

  239. DH

    Darla H

    My students love this resource! I found that the students were engaged and that the work was rigorous.

  240. JB

    Joanna Bonamasso 

    This is a great resource!

  241. KT

    Kelley T

    Awesome resource!

  242. TS

    The Speech Owl 

    Great resource to work on vocabulary skills with my older students!

  243. KC

    Kelly C

    Thank you! I needed something quick to use with a few students during distance learning! This was great!

  244. JC

    Joni C

    This was a great addition to my lessons.

  245. CS

    Christine Sloan 

    A great center activity!!

  246. CB

    Carlton B


  247. PJ

    Paige J

    Great resource!

  248. SY

    Shirlie Y

    Perfect for independent practice and review.

  249. MA

    Math and Mixins 

    Great resource to practice reading skills! My students loved it. Thank you!

  250. JC

    Jessica Cagno 

    This resource helped my completely virtual class so much! Thank you!!

  251. CB

    Christie B

    Thank you! Great resource!

  252. AS

    Allison S

    Loved using the task cards as practice and the worksheet as independent work!

  253. VL

    Victoria L

    Great, no prep resource! Thank you!

  254. KK

    Katharine K

    My students struggle with antonyms and synonyms and this was very helpful.

  255. AB

    Amber B

    This product is amazing! I have been using it for both distance learning and in-person and I love it. It’s a quick grab and go activity for me.

  256. KS

    Kiwi Speech 

    This is a great, well-designed product that was easy to use and supported these skills with my students in speech therapy.

  257. CP

    Carol Peabody 

    Loves these resources!

  258. LF

    Lorena Flores 

    great resource for my students, extra pratice

  259. DT

    Danielle T

    This product was easy to use and navigate. It was engaging and was great for practicing and reviewing synonyms and antonyms.

  260. T



  261. DS

    Deborah S

    Great source to use with small groups and whole group. My students were very engaged with this.

  262. MB

    Mary B

    Great resource for virtual reading groups!

  263. BK

    Bethany Keegan 

    Great resource! Thank you!

  264. AV

    Abby V

    So helpful! Thanks.

  265. JH

    Jen Harford 

    A good extra resource to have ready for engaging learners.

  266. EI

    Empathetically Inspired 


  267. AR

    April Reuis 

    My students were very engaged by these worksheets. Thank you.

  268. MB

    Mrs B Kindergarten 

    I know anything I buy from Kirstins Kaboodle is going to be great. She is one of my go to sellers.

  269. TR

    Teachers Run on Donuts 

    Teaching synonyms and antonyms isn’t always “fun” but this resource definitely helps!

  270. CB

    Cienna B

    Love that these are no prep. just what I was looking for to target synonyms/antonyms and vocabulary!

  271. DR

    Dorothy R

    These task cards were great. They really made my students think.

  272. KD

    Kerry D

    Very satisfied

  273. JC

    Joanne C

    These task cards have been a worthwhile supplement to our word study and students enjoyed using them. Thank you.

  274. TM

    tamara M

    I love using the anchor charts in this product. Very easy and fast to put into place and use.

  275. MQ

    Mary Q

    So useful!

  276. HT

    Harriet T


  277. CJ

    Christina J

    I love the word choices for these cards, as well as the variety of activities. Excellent for review and expanding vocabulary.

  278. KT

    Kim T

    Fun and easy resource to use when teaching synonyms & antonyms

  279. BP

    Brenda P

    We turned this into a whole class game, my students loved playing antonyms and synonyms. The level of vocabulary was perfect for 5th grade kids.

  280. JH

    Judith H

    Thanks so much for all of your hard work. This is a great resource for my classroom.

  281. AO

    Audra O

    perfect perfect perfect

  282. KB

    Kaylee Bohnert 

    My students enjoyed this! thank you!

  283. MM

    Miss McCann 

    Great resource! Thank you.

  284. SW

    Shauna W


  285. HA

    Heidi A

    Great resource

  286. MN

    Melanie N

    I love putting anchor charts in notebooks so that my students have them when they are in the classroom. The practice activities are great too.

  287. DD

    Damaris D

    My students found this resource very useful and fun.

  288. LG

    Laila G

    This was perfect!

  289. JH

    Jane H

    this task is simple enough for the child to do independently without losing interest. I was then able to check his responses and discuss these . thanks

  290. IS

    Ingrid S

    I used this resource with my 5th and 6th graders. It worked perfectly as independent review work. The students were engaged and did well with it. Thank you!

  291. HE

    Heather E

    My kids enjoyed working with new materials that were a bit more challenging.

  292. S


    So many diverse materials within this one resource! I love having so many options for addressing synonyms and antonyms with my older students- it can be hard to find upper level semantic relationship resources!

  293. BA

    Briana A

    Great Resource!

  294. MS

    Michelle S

    My students loved using this resource!

  295. MW


    Easy to use

  296. TR

    Taylor R

    Excellent resource!

  297. RR

    Rachel Rosenblum 

    This made great morning work!

  298. JB

    Jocelyn B

    great resource for speech therapy.

  299. KC

    Kara C

    This helped me assess what my students understood.

  300. AF

    Amy F

    Great Resource!

  301. CC

    Carolina Carreno 

    This was helpful in my class for extra practice on this skill

  302. RS

    Rachel S

    This is a great resource for synonyms and antonyms. My kids were engaged and practiced important skills. Thank you!

  303. LB

    Latavia B

    I love these!! Thank you so much for creating such an amazing resource!

  304. CB

    Carly B

    Simple and easy to use with engaging game!

  305. KS

    Kristi Stoller 

    Thank you!

  306. NA

    Natasha A

    Easy to use and low prep.

  307. MS

    Miranda S

    Great resource!

  308. EL

    Eliana L

    Amazing product!

  309. BR

    Betty R

    Good resource. Thank you for putting it together.

  310. LL

    Lorianne L

    This is such a great resource – engaging activities and very low prep time!

  311. RK

    Rachel K

    Great review of synonyms and antonyms for my class!

  312. RD

    Renee D

    This was a great supplement activity for my required curriculum that was highly engaging for students. Highly recommend!

  313. MR

    Micah R

    These were perfect to use with my middle school students!

  314. MC

    Marie’s Creative Spot 

    Great resource! Used it with 4th grade. Thanks for creating it!

  315. MA

    Molleigh A

    Thanks for creating my students loved it so much!!

  316. SB

    Shelby B

    This was great for my 4th graders! Thank you for a great resource to use in the classroom!

  317. TG

    Three Girls SLPJanuary 15, 2021

    Great product, thank you!

  318. SP

    Speech PathologistNovember 15, 2017


  319. M1

    MiddleschoolslpDecember 17, 2016

    So many great activities. thanks.

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