Theme Reading Passages Worksheets and Activities


182 reviews

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 38 PDF pages + Google Slides

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  • teaching-theme-activities-bundle

    Teaching Theme Activities: Passages, Worksheets, Task Cards, and Posters BUNDLE

    Original price was: $17.75.Current price is: $13.75.Add to cart


Teaching Theme Reading Passages Activities:

These theme reading passages activities are perfect for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students to find the theme in a passage.

Teaching this reading skill can be difficult due to the inferential elements, but this engaging, no-prep printable pack makes understanding THEME much easier for students.

This reading passages product includes:

  • One theme explanation page
  • One page of product notes
  • Eight full-page, SEQUENTIAL narrative passages
  • A theme questions page for each passage
  • Sample answer keys for each printable

BONUS: A one-page option to find the “big idea theme” for each passage and a reference sheet (designed to be copied front to back) for big idea themes are also included.

The theme reference pages would be perfect for keeping as a reference for students throughout the entire year.


This product includes a digital option (as well as the no prep printable option). The instructions for utilizing the digital portion appear at the end of the packet.

Please see the preview for this theme product for more information and send me a message if you have any questions!

This PDF file contains 38 pages + Google Slides.

182 reviews for Theme Reading Passages Worksheets and Activities

Based on 182 reviews
  1. ED

    Erica D

    These are fabulous! My students loved how they continued on to the next passage!

  2. EP

    Emma Pannenbacker 

    My students loved these these passages! Thank you so much for this amazing resource!

  3. AJ

    Alexandra J

    This really helped me out when I worked on the skill of theme with my 5th graders! Finding text with a clear theme is difficult but this really helped them understand what a theme is!

  4. BM

    Bonita M

    This product is so engaging that my students ask for the next passage for HOMEWORK!

  5. AK

    Alice K

    My students were eager to continue to read the stories.

  6. LC

    Lisa C

    My fifth grade class loved reading these passages, which made teaching theme a whole lot easier! They couldn’t wait for the next time we had reading together so they could find out what happened with Max and Kai. And no teacher prep needed!

  7. MV

    Melissa Vasquez 

    Great resource! Students enjoyed reading the stories.

  8. CP

    Caren P

    Love these for all levels of readers in my class.

  9. LC

    Laura C

    Wonderful product! My kids loved that the story continued and were always very excited to read the next part!

  10. KS

    Kristina S

    Great supplemental resources for students. Nice activity for centers!

  11. SF

    Sarah F


  12. WG

    Wendy G

    Wonderful Resource

  13. JS

    Jennifer S

    Looking forward to using.

  14. CF

    Carla F

    I can’t wait to add this to my reading curriculum

  15. KF

    Kelsi F

    Great resource! This has been good practice for my kids!

  16. JA

    Jacque A


  17. MG

    Melissa G

    Great practice when teaching theme!

  18. SS

    Susan S

    Cannot wait to use this resource!

  19. TG

    Tracey G

    Kids loved this! Love all the different them words for them to choose from.

  20. F



  21. CD

    Christina D

    Great for guided reading

  22. VC

    Victoria C

    Great resource 🙂

  23. SR

    sarah R

    cool resource

  24. EC

    Emily C

    This was perfect for my students who needed some extra help with theme!

  25. VH

    Victoria H

    Very engaging resource!! Thank you!!

  26. MK

    Megan K

    This resource really helped my students practice the tricky concept of theme!

  27. SC

    Sandra Castiglia 

    Thank you for sharing. This was really helpful!

  28. DL

    Dana Laging 

    Great product

  29. AD

    Ashley D


  30. KM

    Kaci M

    This is a great supplement to teaching theme.

  31. AL

    alan L

    This product is fantastic. My students really enjoyed it.

  32. TA

    Teresa A

    Great practice

  33. SN

    Sara N

    Great resource. Thanks.

  34. JN

    Jessica N

    This product helped my students understand theme!

  35. CB

    Charlotte Bradley 

    Great resource! Very helpful:)

  36. AF

    Angela F

    It worked well with small group instruction.

  37. VG

    Virtual Glitter 

    Wonderful resource. Thanks!

  38. LB

    Lauren B

    These were great passages!

  39. WW

    Whimsical Wonders 

    Awesome resource for helping students with theme!

  40. DB

    danae B


  41. FF

    Full Force in 4th 

    This is a great way to practice identifying theme! My 4th graders really enjoyed these stories.

  42. CK

    Courtney K

    I loved everything about this! The graphic organizer was great and I loved that it has the students summarize as well. Thanks!

  43. AV

    Alli Voigt 

    Incredible for small group and lesson extensions!

  44. TC

    Traci C

    This was great! Thanks!

  45. BM

    Brittany M


  46. JW

    Jacqueline W

    I love that the story continues to build

  47. JM

    Jamie M

    Love this resource!

  48. L


    The kids enjoyed the passages! I like how it had them doing summary, theme, and evidence!

  49. GW

    Gifted with Glitter 

    I love using this resource and my students love it to! A++++

  50. MM

    MISS MB 

    Great product!

  51. EM

    Emily M

    Can’t wait to use these with my class!

  52. SH

    Shelly H

    Easy to use. Great for theme review before yearly test.

  53. SH

    Shelly H

    Easy to use. Great for theme review before yearly test.

  54. CF

    Creating for Primary 

    Great resource! Thanks!

  55. AD

    Amanda D

    I bought this to use with small groups in 3rd grade. I thought the content was inappropriate for 3rd graders. I wouldn’t encourage my students to write love letters which was a running idea in most of these stories. I also didn’t understand based on the preview that the stories were connected. It was hard to read in isolation.

  56. AD

    Amanda D

    I bought this to use with small groups in 3rd grade. I thought the content was inappropriate for 3rd graders. I wouldn’t encourage my students to write love letters which was a running idea in most of these stories. I also didn’t understand based on the preview that the stories were connected. It was hard to read in isolation.

  57. JM

    Jessica M

    Very organized and easy to use.

  58. JM

    Jessica M

    Very organized and easy to use.

  59. MB

    Meghan Becker 

    Thanks! This is great!

  60. JS

    Jennifer S

    I love this theme resource! The themes are ones that my students can relate to and apply to their life. Very well thought out resource! Thank you!

  61. EN

    Education Nation 

    Great resource…thank-you!

  62. EN

    Education Nation 

    Great resource…thank-you!

  63. GH

    Gena H

    Makes prep a breeze!

  64. CF

    Classroom Fun and Games 

    This resource was just what I was looking for to enhance our learning of theme! Thank You!

  65. ID

    Ines D

    I used these worksheets in small groups and my students loved them.

  66. MM

    Michaela M

    Effective skills practice!

  67. KK

    Kimberly Klier 

    Great packet!

  68. LA

    Lively and Crafty 

    I love how these passages are one big story that leave every one at a cliff hanger and is also open to interpretation for a theme. Loved it thank you for creating this resource.

  69. AC

    Adrian C

    Great, interesting and informative resource. I’ll definitely be using it again this upcoming year.

  70. HW

    Hallie W

    easy to use.

  71. HW

    Hallie W

    easy to use.

  72. TW

    Tracy W

    Love this resource to use when teaching theme. The passages are great and I especially love that it has the students summarizing as well!

  73. DW

    Dawn W

    Great resource

  74. JB

    Jennifer B

    Theme is always difficult for the students to understand, this was very helpful.

  75. MB

    Michael B

    Excellent resource! Just what I needed!

  76. SI

    Stepping In Social Studies  

    Great resources

  77. MM

    Melissa M

    These passages are fantastic. The simple yet effective worksheets cover summarizing a selection, identifying a possible theme and providing evidence. My grade 6 students LOVE them and call the passages episodes because they feel like this could be a Disney channel TV show. I wish Kirsten would do a bunch more of these! This is a really great resource- one of the best I have gotten on TPT and believe me, that’s saying something!

  78. KP

    Kristin P

    Great student review

  79. ME

    Maryann E

    Students love the stories!

  80. TJ

    tj J

    This resource was very helpful and the students loved it!

  81. JH

    Jayne H

    I love that the short, but effective reading passages use the same characters!

  82. LE

    Lauren E

    This is my second purchase, before I just had the teaser but I had to go back for the whole thing!

  83. KL

    Kelly L

    Worked well when students worked with a group or partner. My fourth graders needed some support.

  84. WW

    Wingo’s Wise Wonders 


  85. CA

    christina A

    I absolutely love this! I use it everyday with my students, and they really enjoy the stories. The questions are aligned very well to the standards.

  86. TI

    Thriving in the 3rd Grade

    This was an awesome product. Super cute too.

  87. P


    Just what i needed.

  88. EM

    Evelyn M

    Great resource. My students couldn’t wait to see how the story progressed

  89. CG

    Courtney Grundy 

    I wanted to use this for my self contained SPED students but it was a bit too busy on each page.

  90. CG

    Courtney Grundy 

    I wanted to use this for my self contained SPED students but it was a bit too busy on each page.

  91. EE

    Elizabeth E

    Used the free sample passages and loved them so much that I bought this bundle!

  92. JS

    Jessica S

    Excited to use these resources to enhance the learning in my classroom.

  93. LM

    Lauren Miller 

    These were great passages! The students loved them!

  94. SM

    Shea M

    Was a great resource to use!

  95. CS

    Chanel S

    Great resource. Came in handy when assigning homework for my students after we’ve learned or reviewed the topic!

  96. CS

    Chanel S

    Great resource. Came in handy when assigning homework for my students after we’ve learned or reviewed the topic!

  97. LG

    Laura G

    I love how the passages keep the same characters in them. Great item.

  98. SB

    shannon B

    Easy to use.

  99. TJ

    Terri J

    Great Resources!

  100. DK

    Dominee K

    Great passages for teaching the skill!

  101. MD

    Mary D

    Good resource

  102. KB

    Krista B

    Great for some after school classes I am teaching right now. We jump right into theme in September. I can’t wait to use it then also.

  103. L


    My students enjoyed the story especially the love letter.

  104. TL

    Tammara L

    Great to use during Reader’s Workshop rotations.

  105. AM

    Angelica M P

    Good Resource.

  106. BJ

    Beau J

    This was a great resource for my 5th graders! Thanks for sharing!

  107. TW


    I loved this resource as I used it to help with introducing theme to my students. I only used one per day since most of my students have learning disabilities. It worked out well. Thank you!

  108. ER

    Emily R

    Used this resource for my second TPAs, super helpful!

  109. SN

    Shana N

    Very thorough resource!

  110. KO

    Kaitlin O

    Great resource!

  111. LT

    Learning to Teach Teaching to Learn 

    Love this!! It’s so helpful! I plan on recommending to other teachers!

  112. T


    This is a great resource. Thank you!

  113. CL

    Carol Litchfield 

    Great for reviewing theme and keeping the students actively engaged. Students really got into it and loved doing the activities

  114. DH

    Debra H

    My students enjoyed the story and would ask each day if they were going to read the next chapter.

  115. KF

    Keegan for Kids 

    Exactly what I needed, thank you!

  116. BK

    Bethany Kleiber 

    Such a great resource for Theme! Thanks!

  117. VP

    Valentina Pena 

    My students Loved to use this product.

  118. M


    This was a great resource to teach theme to my kids!

  119. LL

    Lacey’s Library

    This provided me with more practice than I even had time to use with my students. My fifth graders found the story interesting and engaging.

  120. HW

    Heather W

    I have already used a few of these theme activities with my virtual students and my face-to-face students. Thank you so much for putting this together!

  121. ET

    Emma T

    Such great activities for my students during distance learning. Easy to use. My students were very engaged.

  122. AW

    Alli Wolfe 

    Great product!

  123. CD

    Christina D

    Loved this resource! Thanks!

  124. PA

    Pencils and Chalkolate 


  125. SO

    Space of Sunshine 


  126. JC

    Jody C

    Easy lesson for theme unit.

  127. KC

    Kimberly C

    Students loved the story.

  128. AC

    Ashley Chimahusky 

    Loved this!!!!!!

  129. CH

    Cia H

    Thank you for the fantastic resource! Very nicely done.

  130. JS

    Jane S

    Awesome! Thank you!

  131. AD

    Amy D

    Thank you!

  132. B


    We enjoyed it.

  133. DD

    David D

    Great Resource.

  134. KR

    Kailyn R

    My students always struggle with this, I used it as an intervention with my Reading Wonders thank you!

  135. EM

    Erica M

    I loved that these stories combined plot & theme. We had just completed our plot unit & I loved that I could easily transition to theme. I also left it as sub plans. It was great. I love that it also has answer keys, so I didn’t have to do anything.

  136. EC

    Emily C

    Awesome! Used this for in class learning and as practice assignments for virtual learning.

  137. KN

    Kalyn N

    GREAT resource! Very well made & easy to use.

  138. EH

    Emily H

    My students loved these passages!

  139. T


    I enjoyed the free version so much that I had to purchase the whole pack! My kiddos love the stories about Max and Kai. This is a great resource to practice theme and text evidence!

  140. TN

    Temp Name 

    Great resource

  141. MJ

    Michelle J

    So helpful! Thanks for creating a great reading resource!

  142. 2G

    2nd Grade Superstars 

    My students loved this resource! They enjoyed reading the next part of the story each day.

  143. JN

    Joelle N

    This was a great way to practice with my students on what a theme is and how to identify it. It is hard to find short practice sheets for students to apply lesson to. Then we use the skill with all the books we read in class.

  144. KW

    Kaye W

    Great resource for teaching and practicing theme. Will be using it again.

  145. AK

    Andrea K

    My students LOVED the story line of these passages and were so eager to read the next part of the story! I loved all of the theme cards and setting them out for students to decide which theme they think is best or not a good fit. Overall super happy with this product!

  146. AB

    Ashley B

    great practice!

  147. CK

    Caitlyn Kuehne 

    Theme is hard for students and this resource helped. I plan on using it again next year with my students!

  148. AT

    Alicia T

    A great resource to practice theme and text evidence!

  149. TM

    The Mountain We Climb 

    This resource really helps me out in the classroom! Finding shorter texts are hard at times and this resource gives you engaging and short texts for students and good questions that go along with it.

  150. LP

    Lindsey Pade 

    Great resource for teaching theme.

  151. YS

    Yolanda S

    Fantastic resource that allows my students to practice skills they have learned. The resource is easy to use and doesn’t take any special prep to use. That makes the resource even better!

  152. MK

    Michele K

    Theme is a hard concept for my students to understand and this was perfect to help them

  153. L


    Teaching theme is fun with this. It’s a great resource!

  154. VB

    Valerie B

    I was going to use these here and there for my guided reading groups. Well, my 4th graders got completely sucked into Kai and Max’s stories and were so excited to know what happened next — especially after the love letter!! These are great practice for summary and theme, but also the most engaging stories the students love!

  155. MB

    Matt B


  156. KS

    Katherine S

    We enjoyed this! Thank you!

  157. SA

    Suzanne A

    My students loved this!

  158. VR

    Vanessa R

    Loved that these were sequential stories. Great way to practice theme.

  159. VL

    Valerie L

    This is a great resource and we always need additional practice in this area throughout the year.

  160. RH

    Rebecca H

    Great resource, thank you!

  161. MW

    Maxine W

    used this in my small group and had a good response from it. Thank you

  162. MI

    Michaela in the Middle 

    Great resource! Included everything you need to teach and practice Theme.

  163. IG

    Inspiring Growing Minds 

    This has been really helpful! Thank you!

  164. VB

    Valerie B

    Thank you so much! It was perfect for my class!

  165. CD

    Carlye D

    Very useful for teaching theme.

  166. EA

    Emily Abram

    I’ve been using this with my students to help reinforce skills previously taught. They are engaged and learning! Thank you!

  167. SH

    Stefanie Hauswald 

    Students were able to understand theme in better detail and were able to transfer what they learned into writing.

  168. SH

    Sarah H


  169. CH

    Cynthia H

    Very helpful for theme practice.

  170. SW

    Shari W

    Great to solidify finding a theme skills.

  171. JF

    Jennifer F

    Great resource!

  172. RP

    Ronit P

    My students found the stories very engaging. Thank you

  173. KH

    Katie H

    This really helped to assess what I needed for my students with understanding theme. Thank you!

  174. NT

    natalie T

    Good resource for practicing the skill of finding theme!

  175. TA

    Teaching Abroad and Beyond 

    Great practice for my tutoring students. It really helped and they were able to understand the concept.

  176. TW

    Teaching with Flair and Coffee 

    Excellent resource!

  177. KS

    Karen S

    thank you

  178. TJ

    Tijuana J

    I used this resource to reinforce theme. I like that students have to support answers with evidence. Also the same characters are in each passage. My students enjoyed reading and discussing the the passages.

  179. KW

    Kathleen W

    Great for centers

  180. ER

    Ellen R

    I used the worksheets as homework and the kids really enjoyed the continuing story.

  181. RF

    Rosie Fleeman 

    Great resource when introducing theme. Students enjoyed the activity.

  182. DB

    Debbie B

    Great resource! Thank you for taking the time to create this.

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