
Making Inferences Activities: Task Cards, Worksheets, and Pictures BUNDLE

Original price was: $14.75.Current price is: $12.50.

268 reviews

This Making Inference Activities BUNDLE helps your student understand inferencing using visual cues that make sense.  Using puzzle pieces to teach inferencing makes teacher instruction and students understanding a SNAP! You will find passages, riddles, inferencing with pictures, and MUCH MORE!

Grade Levels: , , File Formats: ,

Delivery Method: Instant Digital Download 

Pages: 100 PDF pages + Google Slides

Making Inferences Reading Passages and Worksheets


Making Inferences Task Cards and Anchor Charts


Making Inferences Using Pictures Activity and Worksheets

Products included in this bundle:


Making Inferences Reading Passages and Worksheets


Making Inferences Task Cards and Anchor Charts


Making Inferences Using Pictures Activity and Worksheets


Making Inferences Activities: Task Cards, Worksheets, and Pictures BUNDLE for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade

These making inferences activities include inferencing worksheets, passages, and task cards. They are perfect for your 3rd, 4th, and 5th-grade students because they provide visual supports and various approaches for showing kids how to make inferences.

Help your student understand inferencing using visual cues that make sense!

The links for each product in this bundle can be found below:

The descriptions of the individual inferences products are below:


These inferencing activities contain passages and inferencing riddles for 3rd-5th grade. The no-prep worksheets give students practice searching for clues to make inferences and creating riddles to be “on the other end” of inferencing.

This making inferences activity contains the following:

  • Two instructional pages with examples and explanations (anchor charts) of making inferences
  • Ten inferencing passages and related questions designed to show students how inferencing works (these pages also incorporate the inferencing equation with the puzzle pieces)
  • Ten pages of riddles where students use inferencing skills to solve the riddle as well as space on each page to create their own riddle (using the same category as the riddle that they solved)

Allowing students to use a variety of inferencing activities increases their understanding of inferencing. For example, creating riddles helps students use inferencing skills at a deeper level.


This inferencing activity includes the following:

  • 34 making inferences task cards
  • Two instructional pages with examples and explanations of making inferences (anchor charts)
  • Answer sheets
  • Answer keys

Half of the inference task cards contain passages, and the other half includes keyword lists that require students to make inferences about the event or place (as well as add two keywords to the list of inferences). Adding keywords to the list encourages students to use inferencing skills at a deeper level.


This making inferences activity uses clip art pictures to help students with inferencing. These making inferences worksheets contain:

  • Two instructional pages with examples and explanations of making inferences
  • 16 ready-to-use (no prep) worksheets with black and white clip art pictures
  • Suggestions for use with the colored pictures
  • Eight pages of color-version pictures (that match the printable pictures with two on each page)

Please click on the preview to see a sample of the inferences activities in this packet, and send me a message if you have any questions!

These PDF files contain over 100 pages + Google Slides.

268 reviews for Making Inferences Activities: Task Cards, Worksheets, and Pictures BUNDLE

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  1. DS

    Debbie S

    What a great packet offering a variety of activities to reinforce this most important skill. The graphics are clear and the graphic organizer of the puzzle pieces is easy to comprehend and use.

  2. CJ

    Cheryl J

    I found this to be an awesome product for my inference lesson. I like that the scaffolding has already been done. My students were eagerly engaged when they created their own riddles. Great job!!! I have already purchased more of your work. Thank you!

  3. SM

    Shannon M

    This resource is amazing!!!! Wonderful for differentiating in groups!

  4. SC

    Sandra C

    A nice collection of differentiated activities! I can use it in small groups, centers or in whole class lessons. Looking forward to trying it in the next few weeks!

  5. AA

    Audrey A

    Great differentiation activity. The varying lengths of articles were nice.

  6. KM

    Kate M

    This bundle has been a great resource for teaching inferring. Being able to move use pictures and/or text has really allowed for differentiation. The format lays out the “inference equation” beautifully so the students have to keep working their way through it each time. Thank you!

  7. JG

    Joy G

    Students are learning inference skills easier. They enjoy these activities.

  8. SP

    Sherry P

    This really helped my students! Thank you!

  9. FG

    Fourth Grade for Days 

    Love this! There is something for everyone in my class!

  10. TF

    Traci F

    Fun lesson for a sometimes difficult concept

  11. LF

    Lindsey F

    This resource has been amazing. My students look forward to completing them and I’ve really noticed an improvement on their inference skills. It really breaks down what goes into answering an inference question in a fun way. Highly recommended.

  12. MC

    Michelle C

    Great product! One of my favorite TpT purchases!

  13. RK

    Robin K

    The task cards are just what I was looking for for my RTI group.

  14. JG

    Jennifer Guckiean 

    I downloaded the freebie and my students really liked it. Decided to purchase the bundle.

  15. HA

    Heidi Anthony 

    Awesome bundle! Love the graphics!

  16. TK

    Tawni K

    thank you

  17. TK

    Tawni K

    thank you

  18. AV

    Amber V

    This is such a great way to help students who struggle with inferencing!

  19. VG

    Vivianna G

    The inference sheets with the pictures are a great way to help my students with autism using the visual.

  20. VG

    Vivianna G

    The inference sheets with the pictures are a great way to help my students with autism using the visual.

  21. SP

    Sylvia P

    The kids enjoy working with this product. It’s a great way to help practice making inferences.

  22. KD

    Kristina D

    Great resource to practice and reinforce inferencing.

  23. FW

    Frances W

    Lots of good ways to practice.

  24. RK

    Robin K

    Excellent resource

  25. AT

    Alyssa T

    Great resource for inference unit!

  26. MK

    Mary K

    Excellent resource. Very effective tool.

  27. TM

    Tina M

    My students love the task cards. Such a fun way to infer. Thank you!

  28. LB

    Laurie B

    This is a great resource! Thanks for including different ways to help students all in one place. Great!

  29. EH

    Erica Hannah 

    Great for small group starter

  30. MP


    My kids loved this. Adding the details to the story was great.

  31. KS

    Kirsten Stockman 

    So many great resources all in one bundle!

  32. EB

    elizabeth B


  33. MS

    Maria S

    Thanks for an awesome product.

  34. JM

    Juan Miguel Y

    Awesome! I am in tears of joy!

  35. SN

    Speechy Needs 

    I love the setup of these pages! The puzzle piece visuals help my students break down the concrete facts vs. inferential thinking, which is something many of them have a lot of trouble with! Thanks for creating these!

  36. RL

    Rebecca L

    So helpful and clear, easy to understand and teach to my struggling students. Thanks!

  37. TW

    Tanzanier W

    Thank you so much for your time and effort! This is AH – MAY – ZING!

  38. SJ

    Samantha Jensen 

    Great product. The pictures were very helpful for my students that were struggling with making inferences

  39. MZ

    Marina Z

    Thank you, this was very helpful 🙂

  40. MS

    Mrs Sutton Math 

    I enjoy using these as short passages to teach inferences. The students respond well to the short length and we can still have good discussions.

  41. LS

    Leslie S

    Awesome resource!

  42. QW

    Qiana W

    Great asset to my teaching tools!

  43. JM

    Julie M

    This is going to help my student so much! Thanks!

  44. EW

    Emily W

    Love this! It is great for differentiation when working with struggling kiddos.

  45. SR

    stephanie R

    wow! love it

  46. DS

    Denice S

    There are only so many ways to teach inferences. This bundle saved me and helped my students engage in the lesson. I love how simple was to use. Tons of materials.

  47. MD

    Marie D

    A very useful resource for my students. Thank you!

  48. RG

    Rebecca Guzman 

    I bought this by accident! I used it with my middle school students, those smartee pants were so entertained. This activity help some students pinpoint how they can infer. TY! Very good product.

  49. KM

    Katie M

    Very useful product! Thank you!

  50. TK

    Traci Krist 

    Inferences are so challenging to teach our 3rd graders. This offer plenty of practice and various levels

  51. EM

    Emily M

    Looking forward to using this with my students, thanks!

  52. MD

    monique D


  53. BB

    Barbara B

    My students have loved these! Thanks

  54. JC

    Jessica C

    great activities for a wide range of students

  55. TJ

    Theodore J

    Very Helpful

  56. CM

    Caitlin M

    Great resource for working on the skill of inferencing. It’s something so many of my students struggle with and this covers the many ways we want kids to inference.

  57. MP

    Mrs Peverley 

    Loved these activities. Perfect for inferences. Thank you!

  58. AF

    Ann F

    This is great! Thanks

  59. DR

    diana rivera-bryant 

    great for my center

  60. SC

    Shawna C

    Great interactive practice for students to practice inferring.

  61. SJ

    Sarah J

    I loved this resource! It was easy to use and helped my students learn inferences in a fun way!

  62. ML

    Maria L R

    This has been so helpful! Thank you!

  63. AG

    Ashli G

    Great product!

  64. KH

    Kandi H

    This is a wonderful visual way for my students to understand. Thanks!

  65. SH

    Sarah H

    We loved this for use in RTI

  66. LR

    Lori R

    good for younger grades for building inferencing skills

  67. SP

    Samantha P

    Great, thank you!

  68. BT

    Bakk’s Tops 

    Used these in centered and it was awesome!

  69. KB

    Katie B

    Worked awesome!

  70. FC

    Franci C

    Great resource! Thank you!

  71. PP

    Pittman’s Products 

    great resource! Thank you for making it!

  72. LR

    Leonor R

    Wonderful and invaluable resource! I can tell so much thought and effort has been put into everything. This makes my planning and teaching so much easier and better! Thanks so much for your dedication to quality material!

  73. AC

    Alex C

    Inferences are always hard to teach my students, but this product really helped and was able for me to differentiate on all of my students levels! I recommend the bundle!

  74. MH

    mary H

    Great resource!!

  75. DS

    Darla Smith 


  76. KF

    Kris F

    This is incredible! I loved using this amazing resource with my first graders. Thank you!

  77. JK

    Jaclyn K


  78. VC

    Virginia C

    Great resource for small groups!

  79. HA


    Love this product! Thank you

  80. KM

    Kathleen M

    great bundle

  81. NG

    Nicole G

    I love this resource! It has helped my students out a lot!

  82. KS

    kim S

    Excellent resource that i am highly excited to use this year.

  83. RT

    Resource Teacher’s Guide 

    I teach in a mild/moderate classroom and these have been EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for! This bundle was worth every penny!

  84. JE

    Jessica E

    I used these activities with a group of students who were struggling with making inferences, they made great progress. I look forward to using the resources again this school year.

  85. LS

    Laura Shirtliffe 

    Great for my older students.

  86. JC

    Joy Castro 

    Sensational!! Thank you

  87. JS

    Jenny S

    Very nicely organized with great activities! Lots of variety too!

  88. CM

    Colleen M

    amazing resource

  89. LR

    Lucy R

    Awesome packet

  90. MM

    Meghan M

    Awesome Resource thank you!

  91. MK

    Michelle K

    Thank you for sharing this resource. I appreciated all the different activities this bundle included to allow my students practice on making inferences. My students and I really enjoyed solving the inferencing riddles and creating our own.

  92. P


    Thanks 🙂

  93. TP

    The Pug Life Teacher 

    Exactly what I needed!!!

  94. JW

    Jeffrey W


  95. DL

    dorothy L

    I enjoy the fact that there are several worksheets available to work on perfecting skills with my students.

  96. DL

    dorothy L

    I enjoy the fact that there are several worksheets available to work on perfecting skills with my students.

  97. TT

    Tamora Taylor 

    This is a great way to teach and reinforce the concepts throughout the year.

  98. DS

    Darcy S

    This is helpful for my language students who need more scaffolding.

  99. NP

    Nicole P

    This bundle has great activities to allow for teaching each skill, as well as independent practice. I used the activities for small group instruction, introducing each type of figurative language, then worked through the activities supporting the students, and then allowed them to complete the task cards independently. It was scaffolded well. This also provided me with several weeks of instruction.

  100. JD

    Jamie D

    Excellent resource!

  101. LT

    Love to Teach Speech  

    Thorough with very little prep, thanks!

  102. KL

    Kristen L

    So great to use with my students!

  103. SH

    Shaune H

    Looking forward to using the materials.

  104. DE

    Debbie E

    Very useful resource! Thank you

  105. AG

    Amanda G

    Perfect fun way to reinforce making inferences!

  106. LL

    Laura L

    Great resource. Can’t wait to use in my classroom!

  107. RW

    Rebecca W

    This has been a great help in teaching figurative language. Thank you.

  108. CM

    Cara M

    Loved this resource! It provided a great visual to support inferencing skills!

  109. GB

    Gina B

    I am coming up with new reading stations next year and this will be one of them. Thank you.

  110. KA

    Kate A

    Great resource to help my struggling readers!

  111. GP

    Grace Pannell 

    LOVE IT!

  112. AD

    Alan David Pritchard 

    A super set of resources that students have benefited from greatly.

  113. TS

    Teryl S

    Helpful resource. Thank you.

  114. JG

    Jenne G

    Test Prep

  115. JG

    Jenne G

    Test Prep

  116. WT

    Wendy T

    Perfect practice.

  117. RR

    Roxana R

    this makes inferencing easy to teach

  118. RM

    Roxanne M 


  119. MW

    Megan W

    This was perfect to use to introduce figurative language to my students. Thank you for this resource!

  120. AL

    Anna L

    I really liked using this resource with my upper elementary ELLs. The option for pictures to practice the skill was nice for my low readers, but I found it easier to explain and have them find supporting evidence with the task cards.

  121. AL

    Anna L

    I really liked using this resource with my upper elementary ELLs. The option for pictures to practice the skill was nice for my low readers, but I found it easier to explain and have them find supporting evidence with the task cards.

  122. AV

    Aneka Verdin Zaeem 


  123. KW

    kristina W

    Very pleased with this bundle!!

  124. JT

    Jennifer T

    Thanks for the great resources! I can’t wait to use them with my class!

  125. DP

    Denise P

    Great product! I love the differentiation for my various groups!

  126. SR

    Special Resources for Special Kids 

    Great extra practice for my RSP kiddos

  127. LL

    Lorraine L

    Much needed materials for a difficult concept to teach!

  128. SC

    Samantha C

    Great Product!!

  129. DM

    Dominique Matties 

    My reading students struggle with inferencing, and this resource is really helping!

  130. AL

    Amy L

    I love the puzzle pieces. This resource clearly explains inference and allows the students to practice at varying levels.

  131. MP

    Ms P 

    Inferencing is such a difficult task. These really helped.

  132. LH

    Leslie H

    Loved the task cards the most!

  133. SW

    Shelby W

    I love the Daily Figurative Language! I made it into smaller packets for my students and we focus on one aspect of figurative language each week. They have started saying things such as, “There was a lot of metaphors in that video!” and/or “That was an idiom!” We are loving our figurative language unit in 5th grade! 🙂

  134. JD

    Janice D

    This was a good resource. Thank you

  135. JN

    Jessica Nieves 

    As a special education teacher, I often need to find alternative resources and use different examples/models to help my students. This is one of the few bundles that has a ton of different types of figurative language/literary devices beyond similes, metaphors, idioms, etc… My students were able to follow and complete them. They were able to be really creative and enjoyed the activities.

  136. MM

    Miranda M

    The students enjoyed using this. It was also easy for me to teach from!

  137. VB

    Victoria B

    Very useful for my students with inferencing goals! Thank you for an easy to share resource!

  138. KM

    Krista Mehrtens 

    Great for distance learning!

  139. CJ

    Cindy Jackson 

    Wonderful. Thank You!

  140. BS

    Barbara S

    This resource helped me plan and instruct my students on their IEP reading goal during this unprecedented time.

  141. ES

    Elizabeth S

    More than enough content to help with distance learning. I really like all of the options available to teach students.

  142. CB

    Carrie B

    This resource was helpful for me to plan and assign assignments to my students during distance learning. This resource helped to reinforce what I taught them. Passages were very interesting as well.

  143. KT

    kelly T

    I found a mistake in the Making Inferences Task Cards. For question number two you wrote: What are two more word that can be included. It should read, What are two more words… Please fix this ASAP as I would like to use it with my students and cannot because of the grammar mistake.

  144. KR

    Kristen Ryan 

    love it

  145. JB

    Jensen B

    This was great to help with online learning!

  146. CB

    Christine B

    I LOVE this resource! My students love this resource. I’ve really noticed an improvement on my students’ inference skills. It really breaks down what goes into answering an inference question in a fun and engaging way.

  147. BA

    Buyer A

    Thank you for this great resource!

  148. CF

    Courtney F

    This was easy to use and a great resource to use for inferences. Inferencing is something we are constantly going back to so I always need new resources for it.

  149. JH

    Jennifer H

    This is a great product. I used it with a few students I was tutoring, and it really helped. I can’t wait to use it with my whole class in the fall. Thank you!

  150. AL

    Alexandra Levine 

    Love this, thank you!

  151. TT

    Tammy T

    Great Resource!!! Thank you ?

  152. SS

    stacey S

    This product has a lot in it. My students really enjoy it. It is easy for them to do on the computer and the passages and pictures are great.

  153. AG

    Amy G

    Great resource!

  154. JT

    Jennifer T

    Great Resource

  155. JK

    Justin Klee 

    I love the graphic organizers and the visuals. Very helpful for my students with IEPs.

  156. MR

    Michelle R

    I used this resource during small groups with distance learning. Using the camera doc in order for my students to see and share out together was great.

  157. JH

    Julie H

    Very helpful

  158. CD

    Cheyenne D

    Great resource!

  159. JH


    Great resource! My students were engaged in the activities and were never bored with the material! Thank you

  160. KR

    Kelly R

    This is a great resource! I love how students use puzzle pieces to make inferences. The pictures are also a lovely resource to use.

  161. DJ

    Denise J

    Lot’s of activities to help the students be engaged in learning about inferencing. The pictures were fun for the kids and helped my students utilize their schema.

  162. MC

    Maureen Connerly 

    This has been a great resource for getting my readers warmed up. I use the cards with the infrerencing stories on them to begin lessons with my students working on inferencing. I have had a few students quarantined, so sending home and using the pictures to support inferencing and the short stories has helped tremendously.

  163. CS

    Cheryl S

    This is great!

  164. JB

    Jennifer B

    Really liked that there were picture or text options!

  165. JR

    Julie R

    I used this resource for support inferencing and extra practice. I liked it.

  166. BB

    Brittney B

    This was amazing! I used the reading passages as homework assignments to help reinforce what we learned in class!

  167. DG

    Dawn G

    This activity allowed students to be fully engaged. They enjoyed the activity.

  168. DE

    Deaf Ed Toolkit 

    Great variety of activities that allowed me to tailor virtual lessons to each individual students’ needs

  169. AC

    Ashley Chimahusky 

    I absolutely loved using this. To use it virtually, I just put it on my screen and we’d discuss.. Or I’d assign it on a powerpoint so the students could manipulate it themselves

  170. EB

    Erin Butzer 

    So much goodness here! I love pulling out these task cards and using these activities during different times in my classroom. So easy to use and the students love them too.

  171. MA

    Michelle A

    Perfect for use with special needs students for alternate assessment

  172. BP

    Becky P

    This was great for our small group learning during distance learning.

  173. LH

    Laura H

    This resource was one of the first I purchased when we went to distance learning last spring. I was so relieved that it was easy to set up and use since there was so much we were scrambling to do!

  174. KB

    Kayla B

    These were great for my second graders.

  175. F


    This is one of my favorite topics to teach about in reading! This is engaging and fun for students!

  176. BB

    Brionna Brown 

    I used this for my in person and virtual kiddos. It was so helpful to have the format option! The pictures were a perfect way to introduce inferencing for my low language users!

  177. JM

    Jennifer Mitchell 

    I loved these task cards used them as exit tickets.

  178. TS

    The Speech Owl 

    This was a great way to work on inferencing skills with my students!

  179. MG

    Maria G

    Extremely versatile resource…..the options are endless!

  180. RL

    Rodelyn L

    Thank you so much for creating this bundle! I typically teacher Kindergartners but now that I am teaching remotely, I have some 2nd and 3rd graders too so this has been SO helpful!

  181. MM

    Mindy M

    Inferences can be difficult for kids at this age to grasp the concept, but this recource is well orgainized and is easy for the kids to follow! Great resource

  182. AW

    alie W

    very helpful to assist my special ed students in starting off to teach them the difficult skill of inferences. thank you for this resource.

  183. MW

    Mary W

    This is a GREAT resource for teaching critical thinking/inferential reading skills! My student really enjoyed the activities~ so colorful~ so motivating and so perfect for teaching drawing conclusions etc! THANK YOU

  184. LL

    Literacy Lattes and Learning 

    This resource was exactly what I was looking for to reinforce the concept of inferencing!

  185. TC

    Teach Create Caffeinate  

    Perfect for my reading intervention class. We started our inferences unit, and made our first goal being able to make inferences based on pictures, then moved to short texts, then to paragraphs and longer. This resource was perfect for our learning assignments.

  186. LT

    Laura T

    Helps my sped students to better understand what inferencing is, and then practicing on the slides. Thank you!

  187. MT

    MO Teaching and Learning 

    Perfect for teaching my students about inferences.

  188. MA

    Math and Mixins 

    Great resource to practice reading skills! My students loved it.

    Thank you!

  189. VA

    Van Anh L

    I liked that this package provides both pictures for inferencing and text. Allows me to differentiate the work. Thank you!

  190. TR

    Tonia R

    Fantastic product that I used both virtually and in my classroom. I’m a Title 1 Reading Teacher so we have at home learners and school based, thanks for the great resource!

  191. AH

    Alyson H


  192. RA

    Ruth A

    What an amazing resource! Thank you!

  193. AI

    Amanda I

    This resource is fantastic for teaching inferencing! Students were able to use the puzzle formula to apply their knowledge! I would highly recommend this resource!

  194. KM

    Kate M

    Used this resource for a student with hearing loss who performed poorly on the inference section of an assessment. It’s really helping. Great, clear visuals and information.

  195. FL

    Felicia L

    I seriously love this resource! Can easily scaffold with all of the activities included. The riddle activity is fun and my older students find it very motivating. Love that they are engaged, but also learning!

  196. MG

    Michelle Grooms 

    My kids love boom cards! Great resource!

  197. SP

    Sara P

    Great extention to my inferencing unit.

  198. LK

    Lauran K

    So many helpful resources! Thank you!

  199. EM

    Emily McCann 

    I love everything included in this resource. It has great visuals which helped my students tremendously.

  200. FF

    Flip Flops and Fourth Graders 

    Great activity to review inferencing!

  201. TW

    Techa W

    Fantastic Resource!

  202. RB

    randy B

    Worked very well with remote learning. Very easy to use with Google Slides.

  203. KS

    Kaitlin S

    My students enjoyed the inferences and were able to learn how to spot the clues at what the passage was asking them to conclude. I used as a supplemental resource.

  204. CL

    Chelsea L

    I used this resource in a variety of ways. It is fantastic! Thank you!

  205. HV

    Holly V

    This resource is exactly what I was looking for to teach and support figurative language learning in my classroom.

  206. PW

    Paula W 

    This is a tough skill for my students, and this resource proves extremely helpful every time!

  207. RU

    Rina U

    Great tool for teaching inferencing!

  208. IS

    Ilse S

    Such a great resource! Thank you. 🙂

  209. CO

    Cliona O’Keeffe 

    My 5th graders really appreciated this resource – gave them more practice with the different types of figurative language and it was almost like they didn’t realize they were doing an educational activity – added bonus!

  210. RF

    Rachel F

    Great resource.

  211. TC

    Tracey C

    My students were engaged and loved usung this resource

  212. SK

    Samantha Kendrick — Upbeat in Upper Elementary 

    This was perfect for teaching inferencing to my students.

  213. MB

    Mrs B Kindergarten 

    I know anything I buy from Kirstins Kaboodle is going to be great. She is one of my go to sellers.

  214. MS

    Maranda S

    This bundle is a great resource to use for inferencing. It is a great benefit to have both paper and pencil and digital options for everything in the bundle.

  215. MS

    Myra S

    Great resource

  216. JA

    Jackie Ayala 

    Love this!!

  217. SM

    Shana M

    My students loved this resource! They were engaged and wanting to participate. Thank you!

  218. EW

    Erin Ward 

    I love these resources. It accurately connects to the standards and the passages are very interesting.

  219. RW

    Rebecca W


  220. K


    I loved using this resource for my students, as I recently moved into the role of a resource teacher and had no idea how to target some of these skills the way that my students needed. Thank you so much for this amazing resource.

  221. TS

    Teacher Shop Box 

    Great resource for my 5th graders.

  222. LF

    Leah F

    Love this bundle!

  223. MM

    Madge M

    This allowed my students to make connection to further their understanding of figurative language. It was entertaining and kept them active.

  224. CS

    Christina S

    Great resource.

  225. SH

    Stacey H

    Love this resource! Very engaging.

  226. KP

    Katherine P

    This resource is perfect for teaching inferencing in the classroom! The puzzle method is efficient and students enjoy completing the assignments. Thank you!

  227. TB

    Trish B

    Working one on one with a student struggling with this concept. Student was completely engaged. A great resource!

  228. LT

    Linda T

    I’ve taught inferences so many different ways this year, but I student’s didn’t retain it until I got this.

  229. CD

    Catherine D

    Very thorough and informative. Easy to use. Enjoyable and interactive.

  230. TW

    Tess W

    I love this resource, especially the inferencing equation.

  231. MV

    Melissa V

    I love all the differentiation that resources provides. It’s great for many levels of learning.

  232. SD

    Sarah D

    This is a great resource!

  233. RC

    Raenelle C

    Inference is difficult to teach to kids. This resource alleviated the stress I also held. Clear and was easy to deliver to students.

  234. RS

    Renea Starbuck 

    great resource

  235. JM

    Jodi M

    This would be best for younger elementary students. It is not really rigorous enough for 5th grade.

  236. KS

    Karlee S

    This was a great resource for my class!

  237. TC

    Tara C

    My students loved these. I used them for morning work.

  238. PT

    Priscila T

    great for small group instruction

  239. SS

    Stephanie S

    Great practice making inferences.

  240. PG

    Pam G

    Great resource for small group reading!

  241. LJ

    Lauren J S

    The activities in this bundle gave my students a variety of practice and students were easily able to understand the idea of inferencing especially when looking at a picture. Then they applied that to text. Thanks for the great resources!

  242. AB

    Amy B

    Great Resource! My Students loved it!

  243. CS

    Carlotta S

    The visual support for my students was very helpful along with the different variety of resources to choose from like worksheets, task cards, and picture support. Thank you

  244. SH

    Samantha H

    Students were engaged and enjoyed creating stories using the pictures.

  245. PB

    Prisca B

    My students love to work independently and move around the classroom. I separate the task cards into stations that they can move to.

  246. WG

    Whitney G

    My students love the content

  247. DW

    Dreaming With DelDotto 

    Great reosource! Thank you!

  248. CY

    Cheryl Y

    Thank you. This was very helpful.

  249. MH

    Melinda H

    This provided a lovely ready made resource that helped me work through inferencing with clients. I like the visual aid of the puzzle pieces: what’s in the text + what you know = inference.

  250. LM

    Lauren M

    fun resource

  251. TC

    Taylor C

    My students loved working with these!

  252. AM

    Amy M 

    A great resource for a difficult skill!

  253. MS

    Miranda S

    Great resource!

  254. BR

    Brandi R

    Such a great resource for teaching inferencing. This skill is hard for students, but these resources will help make it engaging and hopefully a bit easier for them.

  255. DR

    Desiree R

    Fantastic resource to use for inference assignments!

  256. MP

    Monica P

    Love the resource. However, difficulty in downloading the pictures. I’m not sure if the problem is on my end or the file. I’m not very tech-savvy, so I still have to uncover this issue.

  257. JM

    Janet M

    Students never get enough inference practice. It is a necessary skill to practice.

  258. SA

    Stefania A 

    This worked very well to teach my students with learning disabilities about inferencing

  259. KT

    Kelly T

    Thank you!

  260. KC

    Kimberly C

    Great resource for teaching inferencing.

  261. T


    This is a great resource for teaching about inferences. My students loved all the pictures that you chose to include. Thank you!

  262. E


    Very useful for my students working on inferencing skills. Thank you for this resource!

  263. NK

    Neisha K

    It worked as promised. It was a great resource to have during distance learning.

  264. BR

    Brenna R

    This was just what I was needing for class. Well put together and easy to use. Thank you!

  265. CF

    Christine F

    These inferencing materials were fantastic! Students made inferences from pictures and then applied this skill to their reading.

  266. JJ

    Jessica Jarolim 

    I loved this resource to work on inferencing. It is a great way for them to think about what the passages mean

  267. SB

    Shyra B

    My students loved this! Thank you for a great resource!!

  268. SW

    Stephanie W

    Used with my speech students- love the various practice opportunities. Would love to have even more!! Thank you!

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Making Inferences Reading Passages and Worksheets


Making Inferences Task Cards and Anchor Charts


Making Inferences Using Pictures Activity and Worksheets